Empowering Workplace Excellence Through Compassionate Leadership

TenNiquwa Bryan TenNiquwa “Nikki” Bryan is an Industrial Organizational Psychology Practitioner, certified coach, and author.  She tells us that, “I specialize in talent, leadership, and organizational development to maximize workplace productivity and improve employee satisfaction. I work with companies and organizations to make their people a priority by creating a healthy quality of life and […]

Empowering Individuals to Manifest Abundance and Live Their Dreams

Madi Mucha Madi Mucha is an Internationally Certified Life & Health Coach. She tells us that, “I’m a Manifestation coach and mentor! I use scientifically proven methods to help people master their mindset, release limiting beliefs, and manifest abundance into their lives. I’ve been coaching for nearly 2 years and currently running my business full-time! […]

The Woman Empowering Business Moms to Achieve Harmony and Success

Mahnaz Sharif Mahnaz Sharif is a Strategic Business Architect. She empowers Mums whose business dreams are buried under family needs.  She tells us that, “Most mums know the feeling of being sandwiched between what their family needs from them and the business they want to create. Through overcoming her own challenges – feeling torn between […]

Navigating Success through VantageShift

Suzanne ElNaggar Suzanne ElNaggar is the Founder and CEO of VantageShift. She is a Certified Professional Coach, focusing on leadership and career coaching.  She tells us that, “I help clients to capitalize on their strengths and chart their path to success. The transitions that professionals experience – different roles, promotions, domain shifts, life-altering events – […]