Meet The Tech Role Model Reshaping The Trends In Technology

Karianne Berg, a Senior Tech Developer and a General Manager in Rubynor and CEO/CTO in Kaukus is one of the founders of the Booster Conference, an avid technical speaker who also co-founded several successful tech startups. Karianne, an accomplished entrepreneur with a heart for tech lives in Bergen, Norway. She grew up in the Norwegian […]

Teaching People to Love and Trust Their Authentic True Self

Meet Beth Hope- Founder and Executive Coach at & hope, who helps her clients have a confident personality with a constructive approach towards life situations. Beth is an Executive Coach who helps you boost your authentic confidence and strengthen your constructive mindset. She has a deep understanding of human behavior, motivation and limiting beliefs that […]

The LIFO Practitioner Behind the Synergy in Better Performing Teams and Mastery of Excellence

Being a Founding Partner of LIFO and Senior International Trainer, Bernadette Deitmers loves to coach and motivate people, and teams to perform on a higher level with collaboration and personal effectiveness through Face-to-face (on-site) & Online sessions. She expertises in Communication, Collaboration, Personal Leadership, Personal Branding. Bernadette was born and raised in a small village […]

Blending Creativity With Mindfulness To Relax and Find Inner Peace

Meet Suzanne Thee, an entrepreneur and founder at Unwindle, an App to teach people the joy of relaxing through creative activities such as painting and drawing. Working as a banker in the Netherlands for five years, Suzanne Thee had a pretty mundane life. Like most millennials, she wanted to climb up the corporate ladder and worked […]