Helping Professionals Improve Productivity and Well-Being

Clare S Kumar Clare S Kumar, a Certified Executive Coach, ICF Accredited Coach (ACC), is a Productivity catalyst and highly sensitive executive coach who helps professionals improve productivity and well-being while avoiding exhaustion and burnout. She delivers keynotes, workshops, coaching, and connection through her online community, the Happy Space Pod. If you want more, please […]

Giving Women a Platform to Share Their Personal Stories and Talk About Their Business

Ilene Carol Ilene Carol is the CEO of ICE Media Entertainment and Publisher of Women’s Quarterly Magazine. For over 20 years, she has helped authors, professional athletes, entertainers, small businesses, and non-profits maximize their potential growth using proven marketing strategies. Her company has worked with several colleges to prepare students to work within a corporate […]

Jana Green – An Inspiration and Your Personal Success Mentor!

Let us take you on a journey of Jana Green – the woman who has inspired many through her journey and is already serving thousands of people across the globe! Jana is an inspiring entrepreneur who is helping others thrive in their businesses. In the past few decades, she excelled in her career in marketing […]