Creating Spaces of Joy and Purpose: A Journey from Healing to Leadership

Yvette Oloo Yvette Oloo tells us that, “I am on a passionate quest to live a life filled with joy and purpose, all while inspiring others to do the same. As a Soulpreneur, I work as a Space Transformation Coach and Author. Drawing from my background in architecture and a deep understanding of environmental psychology, […]

Transforming Adversity into Empowerment: A Journey from Corporate VP to Top Career Coach

Kathy Caprino Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an international career and leadership coach, writer, speaker and executive trainer helping professional women advance, thrive and reach their highest, most rewarding potential. A LinkedIn “Top Voice” and former corporate VP, she is also a trained therapist, seasoned executive coach, Senior Forbes contributor, sought-after media source on career issues, […]

Embracing Authenticity: A Journey as an Alignment and Empowerment Coach

Joy Dreaning Joy Dreaning tells us that, “I’m an Alignment and Empowerment Coach for women who deeply desire to reconnect with their wildness and embrace a slower, more connected lifestyle. While I’m deeply passionate about my work, it’s just one part of what makes me, me! Beyond work, I’m a Taurus, 4/1 Projector, dog mom […]