Helping as Many Women as Possible to Start or Grow Their Own Businesses

Sharon Piel Sharon Piel is a certified Life and Business coach with 9 years experience in the coaching industry.  I have a diploma in Life Coaching as well as certificates in NLP and Business Coaching.  I help women entrepreneurs and small women-owned businesses to achieve their goals.  I am passionate about coaching, positive psychology and […]

Helping People Harness and Control the Power They Already Have Within, to Live a Life of and on Purpose

Barbara Mutedzi Barbara Mutedzi is a Conscious Leadership and Wellbeing Coach, using her background in Neuroscience-based coaching, Psychology, Anthropology, Metaphysics, Yoga Philosophy, Mindful Meditation and Conscious Business Ethics; to help people harness and control the power they already have within, to live and lead a life of and on purpose. What were your initial years […]

Making a Difference by Helping Women Leaders in Climate Change

Dr. Ellen Snee Dr. Ellen Snee is an Executive coach of women leaders and is currently engaged in leadership coaching of women leaders in climate change. Was there any turning point in your life that changed your journey? If so, what was it? Please tell us the backstory behind it. There have been many turning […]