Embracing Play: A Journey from Professional Squash to Fostering Connections

Nicole Beumer Nicole Beumer tells us that, “From a childhood spent outdoors, playing ball games, my journey to becoming a professional squash player was anything but conventional. Defying norms, I turned pro at 20, embarking on a 10-year journey representing the national team, achieving a remarkable world ranking of 18. The transition to coaching and […]

A Transformative Journey as a Trauma-Informed Coach Practitioner

Bernadett Halaj Bernadett Halaj is an accredited trauma-informed coach practitioner.  She told us that, “I can help you resolve trauma-induced behavioural patterns that can show up in physiological signs, ruminating subconscious thoughts, and emotional reactions.  I am a patient and compassionate practitioner who will provide a non-judgmental and safe environment for you. I like people, […]

Empowering Balance: A Journey from Business Expertise to Corporate Wellness

Atala Romero Atala Romero is a wellness consultant and mindset coach.  She told us that, “I have great expertise in business wellness and personal development. I have a Master’s degree in International Business Development (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italia and Alliance University, India), a postgraduate degree in International Business Management (Centennial College Canada), and […]

A Journey of Empowering Women’s Potential

Claire Pestana Claire Pestana tells us that, “I am a wife, and a Mum of two teenage children and an Authenticity Coach for women juggling motherhood and livelihood who are in need of renewed spirit, energy and purpose after devoting their life to their children, families and employers. My coaching supports and empowers them to […]

Empowering Journeys: An Odyssey of Guiding Women Leaders to Success

Sonata Kucin Louvigny Sonata Kucin Louvigny is a seasoned Mentor and Coach specializing in empowering women to navigate career transitions, shatter self-imposed limitations, and ascend to desired leadership roles. With accreditation from the EMCC, she also serves as a proficient program manager, aiding organizations in assessing the efficacy of their mentoring initiatives or crafting new, […]