Pioneering Ghostwriting and Empowering Women in the Literary World

Karen S. Cole Karen S. Cole is the President, Owner, Founder, and Executive Director of Ghost Writer, Inc.  She tells us that, “I began the company as Rainbow Writing, Inc. in January of 2003, after a long career as a freelance writer for various publications, online and in print. I started writing when I was […]

Helping Other Women Find Their Inner Strength and Create Their Best Life

Karin Dijkshoorn Karin Dijkshoorn was born in Holland, but has been living in Spain for almost 20 years now. She is passionate about helping other women find their inner strength and enable them to create their best life. What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your […]

Supporting Women to Overcome Self-Doubt and Gain Skills to Step Out and Fulfill Their Ambitions

Patience Ogunbona Patience Ogunbona is an Accredited Business and Leadership Coach, Business Trainer, International Keynote Speaker and Best Selling Author.  She tells us that, “I have over 18 years working in service-based businesses as a Chartered Internal Auditor providing assurance on governance, leadership, and controls to mitigate risks to business success. I now leverage this […]