Belief, Balance, and Business: A Journey to Authentic Achievements

Kim-adele Randall Kim-adele Randall is a business coach, author, speaker and mum with a career spanning over 30 years.   She tells us that, “I started Authentic Achievements 5 years ago with the mission to help people to gain belief and achieve their dreams.  Since starting I have had the privilege to launch a podcast, a […]

Navigating the Path of Empowerment: A Journey to Transforming Young Lives

Emer O’Donnell Emer O’Donnell tells us that, “With over 20 years of experience in psychology, working in global organisations and as a qualified behavioural change coach, in 2016, I recognised a gap in young people’s education. It was a need to support them to navigate our uncertain, often changeable world which leaves so many feeling […]

Empowering Women: A Journey to Healing and Transformation

Ashley Katz Ashley Katz tells us that, “I want to make the world a better place one woman at a time and have a ripple effect on the children of the world and the future generations. I think some of us are born needing to change and I am one of those people. I am […]

Empowering ESL Educators: A Journey to Inspire and Mentor

Christina Smith Christina Smith is a passionate woman deeply committed to her family and her profession.  She tells us that, “While I strive for perfection, I embrace my imperfections and learn from every misstep. My love for art shines through in my drawings, paintings, and photographs. Juggling a full-time job, mentoring business, and raising two […]

The Woman Working Towards Empowering Souls and Cultivating Happiness

Christy Holt Christy Holt calls herself the Happiness Hussy. She tells us that, “I’m a speaker, podcast host, author and mentor on a mission to change the world from the inside out, one beautiful soul at a time.” What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your […]