Empowering Global Change: Pioneering Solutions for Environmental Challenges

Ryan Lavelle Ryan Lavelle is a passionate and dedicated social/technology entrepreneur on a mission to solve some of the most pressing environmental social challenges of our time, with particular focus on the global south. Following a 20 year career in investment banking technology I pivoted to found my own startup Mpowa in 2019 and since […]

The Women Cultivating Financial Confidence and Freedom

Julia Shteynberg Julia Shteynberg is a money coach. She believes that having (saved) money is the ultimate freedom. It gives you peace of mind and the power to decide what is best for your life. Her dream is to help as many women as possible get “good” with money. What were your initial years of […]

The Woman Transforming Lives and Empowering High Achievers to Thrive Alcohol-Free

Anna Charles Anna Charles is an ex-corporate girl who loves cross-country road trips, minted tea and, after years of struggling to drink less, freedom around alcohol. She tells us that, “Changing my relationship with alcohol felt like such a miracle I ditched the corporate world and began coaching brilliant, high achievers who struggle with overdrinking.” […]

Empowering Futures: From Homemaker to Financial Luminary

Shante Epps-Copeland Shante Epps-Copeland is a life, financial and credit education coach, who owns a consulting company. Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life. I was a Stay at home wife and mother of 4 amazing children for over 25 yrs. While raising […]