Empowering Entrepreneurship: Unveiling the Journey of a Business Coach

Lorraine Lane Lorraine Lane tells us that, “As a business coach, I teach my clients to pull away from the cookie-cutter crowd of small business owners, find their uniqueness, and make an extraordinary and unique impact to attract their ideal clients and expand their business reach.” What were your initial years of growing up like? […]

From Adversity to Empowerment: A Holistic Wellness Journey

Nikki Hillhouse Nikki Hillhouse is a Mindset and Holistic Well-being Coach. She is a fun loving Scottish woman living in beautiful Turkey with her partner and 9 street cats. P.S. (they live in their own house outside, that her partner built). She further tells us that, “I am a mother of one son and one […]

The Journey of a Mindset Coach and Advocate for Empowerment

Rita Parmar Rita Parmar is an accredited Mindset Coach and Organisational Development Consultant. She tells us that, “My absolute passion is to empower others: I help professionals to overcome stagnation, grasp hold of their unique strengths & propel them to the next level in their career and life!  With this, also comes over 20 years […]

Unveiling Purpose Through Curiosity and Connection

Dr Gary Crotaz Dr Gary Crotaz, PhD is a Speaker, Executive Coach, Author and Host of The Unlock Moment podcast. He is an executive coach and host of The Unlock Moment podcast. He further tells us that, “I’m someone who’s deeply curious about people – who we are, why we choose to do what we […]