This Leader and Guide Spread Hope by Recuperating People in Need

Meet Sandra Maple-Deaver, a recuperative care director who works with the homeless, and people with addiction to restore them to a life of dignity. A compassionate human and a Navy Veteran, Sandra is a 46-year-old woman with children. She has recently celebrated seven years of sobriety from addiction. According to Sandra, coming to the mission […]

Adding The Fragrance Of Love & Care In Everyone’s Lives Wherever She Goes

Meet Laura McCann- the Chief Mood Booster & CEO at Adoratherapy, a company that produces vegan and cruelty-free essential oil fragrances. As she identifies herself as a Right and Left brain entrepreneur with a passion for business and creativity- having spent her career in fashion, technology, and product development- Laura fondly calls herself as ‘life […]

Providing A Safe Space To Those Who Battle With Life and Rehab

Meet Kelsey Hastings- the founder and CEO of Advantage Living Centers, a healing and rehabilitation chain across the United States. Dedicating your life for someone else’s well-being isn’t easy- it requires courage of the greatest kind. From being a registered nurse, a licensed nursing home administrator and ordained minister, Kelsey has served humanity almost all […]