A Simple Idea That Made Her A Millionaire!

Meet Kim Lavine- an author, entrepreneur and CEO of Heugenis, a digital health startup bringing a patent-pending non-drug treatment for Alzheimer’s on a global level. Life isn’t a cakewalk for most of us and Kim’s stands as a perfect example- her parents got divorced when she was just ten and she went on to be […]

This Is How You Should Age In The Modern World

Meet Risa Morimoto- Founder and CEO of The Modern Aging, a YouTube Channel that finds innovative and holistic ways to approach health to avoid ailments later in life. On a wintery January afternoon in 2001, Risa was sitting next to her mother at the kitchen table.  During their conversation, her mother suffered a debilitating stroke, […]

A Woman Who Has Changed The Way World Looks At Art & Artists

Meet Linda Mason- an internationally recognized makeup artist, cosmetics entrepreneur, visual artist, filmmaker and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist. Born in Sunderland, Linda was highly inspired by her mother, an artist who imitated the hottest designer trends of that time and whose eccentric home renovations transformed their neighbourhood. This gave birth to Linda’s initial fascination for artistic […]

All Work & No Play Can Eat Up Your Productivity

Meet Mariah Nagengast- CFO & Co-Owner at Point Summit, a company that provides outdoor/indoor recreational facilities to people. Mariah effortlessly manages several outdoor adventure and seasonal parks, apart from being an avid sports enthusiast. She firmly believes that the youth of today can shape the generation of tomorrow, perhaps because of her modest upbringing- “I […]

For Her, Every Child And Their Health Matters

Meet Susan T. Gregg- Doctor of Occupational Therapy-Pediatrics/Founder & Owner of SMART Pediatric Therapy. Susan’s life leading up to her venture was busy with raising 3 children but she enjoyed every bit of it! When her son entered full-day kindergarten, she started working at his school as an occupational therapist. She was always interested in […]