This Pharmacist-Turned Beauty Blogger is Promoting Brands She Truly Believes In

Meet Dr. Sundas Sajid, a Pakistan-based pharmacist, freelance content writer, blogger, and a proud mom, who is doing an excellent job balancing her profession and passion. “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”- Confucius These words perfectly describe Dr. Sundas Sajid’s career move. A pharmacist by […]

She Does Intergenerational Photographic Storytelling For LGBTQ+

Meet Victoria Munro- Executive Director at Alice Austen House Museum in New York, which is dedicated to the photographic expressions of Alice Austen.  Victoria Munro grew up in New Zealand and moved to New York at the age of 21 to pursue art-making. After completing her BFA, she finished her graduate studies in Arts and […]

Connecting Art Educators With Schools As A Way For Children To Find Themselves

Meet Lauren Tannous, Program Manager at Leap- Arts in Education, a California-based non-profit organization that provides quality arts education programs that empower students to reach their fullest potential. Lauren Tannous is an art fanatic and believes it is a way for us to express and find ourselves. She works as the program manager at Leap- […]

Empowering Women By Giving A Suitable Platform To Their Stories

Meet Ishika Poddar and Smirti Agarwal, Co-Founders at Femiliarize, a Kolkata-based positive community for the personal development of women.  It’s never too late to start, and it’s never too early either. Making this adage their motto in life, Ishika and Smriti, two 19-year-old B. Com students at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata founded Femiliarize in July […]