Empowering Working Professionals To Take Control of Their Workday Health

Meet Lucy Griffith, Founder at Thrive At Work, wellbeing at work specialist who helps boost employees’ workday energy, stress-resilience, and productivity.  We are living in a world that has been promoting hustle culture now more than ever. As a result, many of us are struggling to prioritize our physical and mental health over work. This […]

Providing a ray of hope to those who can’t afford it

Meet Jaclyn Pederson – Founder and CEO at Feeding Matters, an NGO uniting the concerns of needful families with leading advocates, experts and healthcare professionals. Jaclyn’s mission statement is: ‘To lead with empathy, integrity, and service to influence systems and impact underserved and vulnerable populations.’ This mission statement guides her in her personal life with […]

Blending Creativity With Mindfulness To Relax and Find Inner Peace

Meet Suzanne Thee, an entrepreneur and founder at Unwindle, an App to teach people the joy of relaxing through creative activities such as painting and drawing. Working as a banker in the Netherlands for five years, Suzanne Thee had a pretty mundane life. Like most millennials, she wanted to climb up the corporate ladder and […]

What You Do Today Matters!

We are all privy to the problems of the systems. Seldom do we take charge to uproot those problems and establish a cleaner system for a sustainable tomorrow. Well, Gunilla is clearly not someone who’d sit back and let things fall in place with impurities. No wonder why this confident and courageous woman did and […]