When It Doesn’t Go Your Way, Make It Go Your Way

Joanne Burke-Sherman is a visionary entrepreneur. She is the Owner of JBS Holistic Nutrition and the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Dharma Dreams Vocational Center. It was at a moment of distress that Joanne found the courage and inspiration to take charge and make things happen instead of waiting for someone else to do […]

Using The Power of Social Media to Educate People About The Sickle Cell Disease

Meet Cassandra Trimnell, Founder and Executive Director at Sickle Cell 101, a California-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that specializes in sickle cell education. Cassandra’s own struggle with Sickle Cell disease inspired her to try to make it easier for others by educating them about the disease. It is a genetic red blood cell disorder wherein there […]

Opportunities Are Created By Those Who Taste The Win

Emily-Jane Price, the Chief Operating Officer of the British Franchise Association, is an ambitious business woman who made her way through life. Emily did not have it all served to her on a platter. In fact, it was quite the contrary. She fought her share of battles, overcame her fears, created sustainable opportunities for herself […]

Her Knack for Writing Has Given Jobs to Thousands of People!

Meet Krista Morris- A professional resume writer & consultant who helps people in getting employment from all over the world. Krista started her career in social services where she was helping people, primarily women, in making them independent from being dependent upon welfare funds in the United States to being self-sufficient and taking care of […]