Empowering Non-Natives: A Journey Inspired by Personal Experience

Magdaline Makris Magdaline Makris tells us that, “My journey into coaching is deeply personal and inspired by my two non-immigrant parents. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the challenges they faced due to language barriers, despite their incredible skills and work ethic. Although I studied law, I found myself naturally gravitating towards helping non-natives, inspired by […]

Championing Change: A Lifelong Dedication to Human Rights and Social Justice

Devon Cone Devon Cone tells us that, “I am a human rights advocate, social justice activist, and policy expert focused on improving the lives of forcibly displaced people around the world. I concentrate my work on the unique challenges and capabilities of displaced women and girls. I have spent my entire career meeting with asylum […]

Empowering Change: A Journey from Photography to Transformative Leadership Coaching

Michelle Maloy Dillon Michelle Maloy Dillon tells us that, “I am passionate about supporting high-potential women leaders working in social and environmental change. As an executive leadership coach, I work one-on-one with ambitious leaders to harness their unique creative thinking, strategic planning and leadership skills in order to make conscious positive change in their work […]