Helping People Develop Strengths and Power to Overcome Life and Work Challenges

Juliana Owen Juliana Owen is a Life & Career Coach, passionate about personal and professional development. She works with individuals who are looking to build the best version of themselves through self-knowledge, expanding consciousness and identifying areas of improvement. She says that, “We can only grow if we understand how we position ourselves in the […]

Helping Women of All Races With 100% Risk-Free Alternatives to Hair Loss

Layah Jarman Layah Jarman is Ms. Colorado All World Beauties & Owner of Versatile Quality Hair LLC. VQH is a thriving company that has dedicated its time to helping women of all races with 100% risk-free alternatives to hair loss.  Layah offers not only a high-quality product but a service that follows a woman throughout […]

Provide Jobs, Leadership, and Business Opportunities for Women

Robin Rise Robin has over three decades of experience as a Clinical Psychologist, Executive Coach, neuroscientist and brain optimization expert, successful business woman, and now is finally bringing Woman Optimized, her dream and legacy company to change the way women get their needs and wants met in a socially and environmentally conscious way.  She is […]

Helping Women Build Financial Confidence and Wealth

Laura Moore Laura Moore is a Money Mindset Expert and Financial Wellbeing speaker helping women to feel good about money, build financial confidence, and build wealth. She hosts a podcast called Mind Money Soul tackling the emotional, practical and spiritual sides of money and her mission is to help people learn how to use money […]