Coaching People With the Tools of Near-Linguistic Programming

Leiden Leiden coaches artists, people in retail, landlords, tenants, people with learning difficulties, and anyone who needs coaching on health, career, money, relationships, and success with the tools of NLP worldwide in person in London UK and Toronto Canada and online worldwide across the time zones. What were your initial years of growing up like? […]

Mastering Behavior Change and Communication for Personal and Organizational Growth

Sunni Mallo Sunni Mallo is a Certified Behavioural Change Consultant. She is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and a Certified Communication Expert. She is a passionate Public Speaker and is dedicated to individual and organizational development. She has trained and acquired reputable certifications in neuroscience from Asia and the UK.  A professional member of […]

Empowering Professional Women to Love Themselves Unconditionally

Lindsey Maza Lindsey Maza is a Self-Love and Leadership Coach.  She tells us that, “After spending 14 years as a leader in the fashion industry, I realized I was burnt out and disconnected from myself. I knew there was a better way to enjoy life, professionally and personally. So, I started practicing Self-Love and never […]

Helping Women Find Spiritually Centered Confidence to Take Action Towards Their Highest Goals

Hafsah Adham Hafsah Adham is a certified confidence coach (ICF accredited), speaker, nature enthusiast, dedicated mother of three and the founder of The Awakened Hearts Academy and The Confident Muslimah, a spiritually-centered coaching service which is rooted in Islamic principles, aiming to assist individuals in enhancing their self-awareness and deepening their connection with their faith.  […]

Supporting Women Who Have Suffered From Infidelity or Have Low Self-Esteem to Reimagine the Future While Building Unshakable Confidence

Sophia Tuckett Sophia is a fierce advocate for supporting women to see the beauty in being proud of who they are, rooted in their self-acceptance and self-belief. Sophia’s focus is on empowering women to see their strengths as stepping stones to building self-compassion and mental clarity.  As a global Confidence Consultant, Sophia’s mission is to […]