From Global Ventures to Holistic Healing: A Journey of Transformation and Empowerment

Lena Berghaus Lena Berghaus tells us that, “Throughout my professional career, I always worked closely with people and their teams from all walks of life: World’s biggest rock & pop artists, high net-worth individuals, CXOs of Fortune 500 corporations, technology startup founders, investors & innovators…  Now I use these 20 years of human interaction experience and […]

From Neuroscience to Entrepreneurship: Innovating Mental Wellness

Dr Ewelina Kurtys Dr Ewelina Kurtys tells us that, “I did scientific research in neuroscience. After completing several projects including my PhD and publishing 11 papers in peer-reviewed journals I left academia for entrepreneurship.  I learnt sales and business development at technology companies and started my own business: consultancy Ekai Ltd – which deals with […]