Annecha Smart-Fullerton, a Mindset and Life Transformation Coach tells us that her favorite color is red! Her purpose in life is to inspire progressive women who may feel stuck to take charge of their minds and lead their lives with confidence, courage, mental resilience and emotional wholeness, so they may have joy and deep fulfillment.
What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your corporate journey/venture/initiative.
I grew up in Jamaica, West Indies, in a small coastal town. It was revitalizing to grow up next to the sea. My high school was built on a plateau and it was lovely to hear the waves as you learned or spend lunch times on the shore. I was a diligent student and very active in extracurricular activities. I sang in the school’s choir, competed in singing competitions all across my island home, sang in a music band before moving away to Teachers College. I was popular and loved. I also enjoyed drama and athletics.
Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business /initiative? What motivated you within to say YES, go for it!”
I grew up with some turbulence in my family. I am adopted. I observed some confusing conduct from adults around me and spent many hours wondering why people behaved the way they did. I eventually concluded they behaved the ways they do because of what was going on in their minds, in their thinking. Their thoughts dictated their emotions and actions. I’ve always believed that every problem has a solution and wanted to be the person who helps others solve their problems so they could have a happier and more fulfilling life. It was a wonderful day in grade 4 when my teacher asked the class to talk about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I told everyone I wanted to help others solve their problems. My teacher told me it was an innate trait within me and she was not at all surprised I said that.
As a classroom teacher I met many students who struggled to learn due to learning difficulties or turbulence in their home lives/ families. So I felt even more driven to pursue a career that would provide help for these types of learners. I retrained as a School’s Guidance Counsellor and worked in this role. I particularly enjoyed the self-introspection and self-discovery as well as the careers counseling aspects of this role. It helped the young people to have a clear understanding of who they are and what they’d love to achieve in life.
Over the years I’ve traveled and worked in various settings within education as School’s Counsellor, Special Education Teacher, English Second Language Teacher, Student Mentor, Academic Coach and Life Transformation Coach. It has brought me immense joy to see young people thrive and to see adult’s lives transformed. I’ve always planned on having my own business as a Counsellor and Coach. When my children left home for university a few years ago the opportunity came for me to pursue this dream wholeheartedly.
Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?
As mentioned, the turbulence in others can have a negative impact on their loved ones and co-workers. This may traumatize those individuals on the receiving end. My aim is to help women overcome the side effects of exposure to adverse life experiences that may have robbed them of their confidence or disempowered them in some way.
Due to the negativity or invalidation some women are frozen and living life on auto-pilot. They are held back from living their full potentials because of the emotional strain and drain from being around toxic partners or difficult personalities at home, in friendships or at work.
My efforts through coaching, speaking or authorship is to help women break free from the malaise or limitations and pursue their big dreams. Everyone has the inalienable right to live life according to their innate design and actualise their personal vision.
Through coaching, I help women who are committed to change gain clarity, deeper self understanding, take charge of their minds and emotions, take progressive action and build or rebuild their lives in line with what holds integrity for them.
Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?
I am certified in all my areas of training. Certified Guidance Counselor, Certified Teacher, Certified Transformation Coach and have committed hundreds of hours to ensure I serve as a trauma informed practitioner. I mentor young women pro bono and enjoy being the keynote speaker or motivational speaker at women’s conferences and events. I look forward to becoming a best selling author soon.
Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?
My mission is to empower marginalized women to rise above life challenges and lead their lives with courage and confidence. I would like them to have resilient minds and regulated emotions so that they are able to pursue their full potentials from an authentic place and thus positively impact the world with their unique gifts in whatever field or area of life that piques their interest.
Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. There are cracks in glass ceilings everywhere, with many women breaking through to carve out a space right at the top of the pyramid. What are your thoughts about women leadership today?
First and foremost self-leadership in my opinion is key. Self-leadership incites great corporate and team leadership. Women in leadership is a forward thinking approach as women bring new, fresh perspectives to the table and to problem solving initiatives. Women may naturally hold higher levels of emotional intelligence, a key factor in garnering effective teams.
What would you want to say to our young women leaders/audience reading this?
Uncovering your core values and living in alignment with them is the strongest indicator of a fulfilled life. We are currently in an age where young women can craft the career path and lifestyle they would like by gradually pursuing aspects of what truly hold meaning for them until they can achieve those in greater measure. This is possible whether they work for others or for themselves. Hence, pursue what holds meaning for you in line with your values for the greatest opportunity for a purposeful life.
I offer a 7 session coaching experience on Unlocking Life Purpose and would recommend women work through their core values with a coach to better understand their life purpose. This helps to give clear directions concerning what to say yes to and which opportunities may not be best for you.