The Woman Helping Others Heal From Their Sole to Their Soul

Tina Carter

Tina Carter is the founder of Sole to Soul TLC where she provides physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing through coaching, reiki and reflexology. She began the journey into learning and healing herself in 2014. She has learned that most of our dis-ease is caused by unhealed trauma in our lives. The emotional trauma sits within our bodies and causes disease when not healed. She is all about loving all parts of who she is and that is what she wants for others.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your corporate journey/venture/initiative. 

Growing up I felt like I didn’t matter. I was very quiet and never said much. I was a master chameleon, always changing who I was to fit in with whatever group of people I was with. I didn’t know who “I” was so was very prone to conforming to others beliefs and ways of doing things. My mom had her own issues to deal with and did so by partying a lot. I basically became “mom” to my younger sister so had to grow up fast. I learned to be the caregiver at a very young age.

I got married young and had 2 children. That ended in divorce. Six years later I married my husband (we just celebrated 31 years!) who also had 2 children and blending families had many challenges. I still didn’t know who I was so my patterns continued into this relationship. I became very codependent, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, I was depressed and just going through the motions of living life.

We moved from our hometown in 2012 and I remember thinking “life is going to be great! I’ll meet many new people, come out of my shell – a whole new start“. It was definitely NOT that way. My husband worked 24/7. I was alone and knew no one. This was the beginning of finding ME.

Tell us something about your initiative/business. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?

I began Sole to Soul TLC with reflexology. Helping people feel better through applying pressure to the feet releasing congestion around organs and body parts allowing flow within the body which helps the body to heal. Then I learned about our energy body and the chakra system within each of us. I began to see the correlation between the physical and energetic blockages coming from the place of unhealed wounding (usually from childhood). I coach others with the perspective of the “whole” body. We are mind, body and spirit and you can’t separate one from the other. I help others heal from their Sole to their Soul.

While the global pandemic of COVID-19 is associated primarily with adversities, it has also brought about a true boom in startups, with successful entrepreneurship in many countries. The pandemic has impacted all of us in one way or another. Would you like to share your experience on a personal and professional level?

On a personal level the pandemic gave me permission to just be. I didn’t have to strive for anything, I could just simply do what I wanted, when I wanted (at least for the initial shutdown). As for my business, it took quite a hit. I was certified as a coach in 2019 but never really did anything with it because the in person reflexology and reiki sessions kept me busy. So the pandemic gave me the kick in the pants I needed to expand into more for my business.

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture? 

I think the pandemic has brought a lot of stress to people and therefore they are reaching out for understanding and to feel better.

We are all the same, just at a different place on our journey. I’ve learned some things and I get to pass them on to others to help them.

I’ve had clients come back time and again saying they had tried others but came back to me because there was “something” different about my service that they liked. I’ve also been a contributing writer for 2 different magazines.

How has your life changed because of your initiative/venture?

I am more humble, confident and comfortable in my own skin. When you learn about yourself and heal those parts of you that are not seen it brings you to the place of humility. We all have the same struggles. We all want love and acceptance and it all starts with loving and accepting ourselves first.

Do you have anyone who is the biggest support system in your life? Please let us know.

My circle is not really big but my biggest support would be my girlfriend. Over the years she has been invaluable because she knows me inside and out. I can be real with her and she with me. Everyone needs at least one person like this in their life. Of course, my husband is also a huge support.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity? OR Share a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.

The change I would like to see in the world would be for everyone to drop the masks they wear, get to the place where they are willing to look at themselves and take responsibility for their lives. It does no good to blame anyone for the way your life is. It is your life and you get to decide how to live it. The choices you make determine the experience you have. That’s the Law of Attraction at work.

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