Helping Women Release their Blocks to Have their Dream Relationship

Ceza Ouzounian

Ceza Ouzounian is an award winning Relationship Coach and international best selling Author. She helps her clients release their inner blocks, align to what they desire and take the steps to have their dream relationship.   Ceza brings wisdom and an ability to see through people’s barriers to get to the underlying issues. She brings warmth, understanding and humor together to create a nurturing and encouraging environment. Having herself been through a toxic relationship, she has an understanding of what her clients are experiencing and knows the necessary steps to create change in your love life.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before the venture/ corporate journey?

My years growing up were great. I was close to my parents, siblings and cousins. I had great friends, went to a good school. I took a gap year to Spain to learn Spanish, and then went to university and studied Engineering.

Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business/initiative? What motivated you within to say “YES, go for it!”

After spending years struggling to get a job in engineering, I reached a really low point in my life. I felt trapped and lost. I felt depressed and unhappy with where my life was. I decided to go for what I truly wanted to do as I had nothing to lose, and decided to go to drama school and follow my passion of acting. 

The training was intense and had me facing some of my inner blocks (although I didn’t realise it at the time). Soon after I started a relationship with someone I never thought I would end up in a relationship with. He wasn’t the type of man I would normally date. It wasn’t the best relationship, there were lots of toxic elements to it but instead of walking away I continued the relationship. It was a long distance, so it was easy to overlook the bad points, I wasn’t being honest with myself. 

During that time, I discovered the Energy Alignment Method. It was in my world before but I had never consciously paid attention to it. One day it popped up again and this time I saw it and knew I had to do the course, my intuition was telling me to go for it. I did the course to work on myself and it was so powerful. So many resistances I had not realised were coming to the surface and I found it eye opening. So much was changing internally. I was starting to feel like myself again. I hadn’t realised I had lost so much of myself over the years. 

I decided I had to train to become a coach in the Energy Alignment Method and help others achieve what I was achieving. 

I left my boyfriend at the time and worked on myself and worked on attracting a man and relationship that I desired. 6 months later I met my husband, who was everything I wanted in a man and our relationship was everything I wanted. 

At the same time, I saw so many of my friends going through similar struggles in their love life as I was. This was when I realised the world needed someone like me to help women step into their confidence and have a happy, healthy relationship.

Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?

My current role is helping women release their blocks to have their dream relationship. This basically means looking at what is going on internally for them, in their subconscious and in their energy. 

It is about looking at their past, childhood, past relationships, past experiences, beliefs they are holding onto and how all of that is affecting them in the present day. I help them let go of these negatives from the past. 

I work with them to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence, understanding themselves better and accepting and loving who they are. 

This means when they start looking for a partner or even in their current relationship, they don’t let their past affect how they feel and how they behave, and who they attract (if they are single). They are able to bring their best version to the relationship and be happier and have healthier relationships. 

The impact I want to make is helping women know they don’t have to change or settle for a relationship or partner that isn’t right for them. I want to help them be confident and love who they are and be strong enough to stand in their power and choose a life that is right for them.

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?

I have trained as a mentor with the Energy Alignment Method. I have studied a Diploma Course in Relationship Counselling. I have studied a Meta-Health Foundation Course (looking at the link between the body and mind). 

I have won an award with Prestige Awards Scotland for my relationship coaching. I have won an award with CREA Brainz Magazine Awards. 

I’m part of the international best selling book, Unchain Your Authentic Soul, I co-authored with 11 other women sharing the experiences and ups and downs in life that got us to where we are. The book launched in 2020 to inspire other women to rise up and share their powerful message with the world.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?

I’d love to see more women being successful in their businesses, being confident about their abilities and skills. More women going out there and making a change in the world, for us to be seen as equal to men but without us having to change and become manlike.

Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. There are cracks in glass ceilings everywhere, with many women breaking through to carve out a space right at the top of the pyramid. What are your thoughts about women’s leadership today?

I love that women are standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts and breaking through glass ceilings. Women lead in a different way to men and I think that is important for us to remember. We don’t need to become someone else to lead successfully and impactfully. It is time for women to bring their leadership and create more balance in the world.

What would you want to say to our young women leaders/audience reading this?

I want the young women entrepreneurs/leaders/audience to trust and believe in themselves and know they can do this. Know you can achieve greatness and you can do it in your way. Also, remember there are all of us here to support you as it can get tough and having a support network of other women on similar quests makes a huge difference.