Françoise Prandi is a Wellbeing Coach & Founder at My Mindful Cards.
She told us that, “With a passion for languages from a very young age, my life’s work has been underpinned by this theme. Leading to my studies of the language of the body with Biomedicine and Nutrition, the mind with Executive Coaching and Mentoring, NLP and Emotional Intelligence and more recently the language of awareness with Human Design complemented by the Gene Keys. My transformational journey with wellbeing started 3 decades ago after my own story with chronic depression in my 20s. Everything that I do and share is underpinned by self-awareness, awareness and knowing thyself. My purpose is also driven by my values: joy, health and freedom. I love to exalt human ordinariness, the beauty of simplicity and the power of imperfection. I’m the founder of My Mindful Cards, helping children to know thyself, before they become conditioned to believe that they’re not good enough as they are. A unique concept to help children expand their emotional vocabulary and awareness, underpinned by self-enquiry, self-discovery and self-love. We are approaching SEND schools (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) , driving change for the PHSE curriculum in schools in the UK and exploring children’s hospital wards.”
Tell us about your life before the venture/ leading up to your venture?
I left my corporate career at the end of November 2022 having worked in a variety of start ups and global organisations across different industries. My first job at the age of 19 propelled me into the world of extensive travelling, cultural discoveries and led me to exercise my passion for languages as I worked as an air hostess for Japan Airlines. I then transitioned into luxury retail, the spa industry, beauty industry, media and finance, finishing off with rail! By design, I thrive off of change and variety. I also complimented my core roles with studies as well as immersing myself in different practical mindful and spiritual experiences. With a passion for music (yet again, another language!), I also DJed for a little while when I lived in London. But it was my journey with chronic depression whilst I was working at Japan Airlines in my 20s which propelled me into my passion for wellbeing which spans over 3 decades now. This ultimately has led to my purpose, which is where I am now, having lived an incredibly packed half a century as I’m about to turn 50!
Tell us something about your organization. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?
Emotional wellbeing, awareness and intelligence are not taught enough or not at all in schools because of the lack of funding. Yet, especially given what we’ve been through as a collective with the pandemic, our children need to be in touch with their emotions and themselves to navigate through life more than ever. Being able to know thyself is fundamental to being able to self-regulate. My Mindful Cards is a unique concept which helps children to expand their emotional vocabulary and awareness, underpinned by self-enquiry, self-discovery and self-love. Our cards contain the questions we rarely ask ourselves, also complemented by affirmations for contemplations. Children are also invited to share their own wisdom and craft their unique creations into words or drawings on the cards. When the cards are used as a family, it helps parents better understand their children and meet their needs. My Mindful Cards is especially potent for children who are considered different. Our purpose is to integrate My Mindful Cards into the PSHE curriculum in the UK, in SEND schools (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and in children’s hospital wards.
What has been the response of the consumers towards your venture?
We initially did a pre launch via our website which was extremely successful. And it was the feedback which led us to realising how potent My Mindful Cards could be in the environments we’ve mentioned. When approaching these organisations, our product is so loved, the needs are fully recognised and the benefits are measurable. The biggest challenge they have is funding and something we’re striving to overcome by driving change.
How has your life changed because of your venture?
I’m now able to fully lean into my values! I have more creative freedom without the constraints of a structure. I can choose my schedule which brings me so much joy and keeps me healthy. That said, there are many learning curves along the way as being solo requires so much discipline, awareness and self-regulation. It truly is a roller coaster and finding your allies is also so key to keeping your sanity!
Give a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.
My message would be to be in acceptance as much as you can with how you are feeling when the going gets tough. It is our resistance to our feelings and believing that there is something wrong which leads to stress and anxiety. We are all beings and creatures of emotions. We’ve just learnt to label certain emotions as wrong. I personally use a holistic productivity grid which means I work energetically day to day. Because the reality is that there will be some days where you just “won’t feel it” without even knowing why. And being able to pick and choose what to do day by day depending on your energy is life changing. It works absolute wonders for being on track with what you set out to do week on week. All in alignment with your purpose! Nature, meditation and breathwork are also perfect loving companions for mind and body. If you would like to find out more about how to work more holistically and energetically, please do feel free to contact me. You can find me on LinkedIn, on my personal profile and feel free to follow our company page, in which we share our raw life journey amongst the roller coasters!
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