Healing Through Happiness: A Journey from Cancer Survivor to Motivational Speaker

Alexi Bracey

Alexi Bracey is a Happiness Motivational speaker focusing on mental and emotional well-being through self-empowerment, self-confidence and worthiness to minimize the rates of anxiety, depression and suicide especially among our youth so we can all live fulfilling, rewarding and successful lives.

Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life.

Cancer saved my life more than twenty years ago because I learned through the power of a positive mindset, you can achieve anything as I did without medical intervention in a year’s time. Along the way I learned about the joy in giving Happiness to everyone I met through the power of a joke.

Could you elaborate on the nature of your initiative/ business/current role, highlighting its purpose and the ways it benefits people?

Everyone is fighting a battle be it trauma, loss or grief, But there is a gift, a lesson to be learned from the unfortunate incident, When we learn to appreciate and share random acts of kindness or gratitude or bringing joy to strangers, family members or fellow co-workers, the load is lessened, we see the gift and thru the ripple effect everyone benefits, (eg. taking out a neighbours garbage or putting the bu=ins back, a card or telephone call to share that you care, flowers for no reason, giving a car-less person rides, buying a meal for the homeless person on the street, bringing blankets to the animal shelter, getting involved in a community project)

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?

A random act of kindness has been shown to affect a whole community, inspiring children at school to take on a project. If you are kind to the cashier at the store, 3 degrees of separation will affect that cashiers son’s teacher.I helped an overweight man with health challenges loose a significant amount of weight  and some emotional issues which impacted his health in a positive way and I ended up helping 3 of his adult childrens’ families with their challenges for several years.

Having a strong support system is essential for your well-being. We would love to know who your biggest supporter is. Share with us and let’s celebrate the amazing people in our lives who make a positive impact.

Jamie Kern LIma of “Worthy”, Shirzad Chamine of “Positive Intelligence”, Marci Shimoff of “Happy For No Reason”, Dr.Sue Morter of “The Emotion Codes”

As a young woman entrepreneur, what changes do you hope to see in the world and what opportunities are you seeking?

Know what your values are and live them, surround yourself with a support group, and never stop growing through personal growth courses, books and podcasts

Women now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the workplace, breaking through glass ceilings to reach the top. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

It is great that we have come a long way, but sadly may be at the expense of juggling children’s well-being and they suffer. It is a fine game to attend to everyone’s needs including your own.

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