Clare Walters is the founder of The Walters Method, a mental health toolkit designed to help individuals navigate difficult emotions, discover passion, and find purpose. In addition to her work, Clare is also a mother of four and a grandmother to four little girls. With her extensive background in various healing methodologies, Clare’s mission is to empower people to live authentically and heal from trauma, fears, and negative self-beliefs.
Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life.
I grew up passionate about wildlife and always wanted to do something to help the world. My first degree was in Ecology, and I worked in that field until I had children. Then, I experienced a change of heart, realizing that it would be better for the planet if I worked with people instead. While we are in fear or trauma, we don’t have the capacity to help others in a healthy and sustainable way. So, I retrained, first as a homeopath, then as a Journey practitioner, and finally, I developed The Walters Method (TWM).
Could you elaborate on the nature of your initiative, highlighting its purpose and the ways it benefits people?
We support people in becoming the best version of themselves by addressing trauma, negative self-beliefs, fears, and rigid perspectives. This allows them to discover their authentic voice, find their life purpose, and gain the self-worth and confidence to realize their full potential.
What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?
Almost everyone who has experienced The Walters Method has had a life-changing experience. We just completed research on the outcomes of 120 people who had three sessions of TWM, and the researcher remarked that the results were “phenomenal.” Many of our clients go on to train and become practitioners themselves because they want others to benefit from the method, too.
Having a strong support system is essential for your well-being. Who is your biggest supporter?
In the professional sphere, my biggest supporter is Anna Boxer, my co-director. We understand each other so well and are always there for one another. In my personal life, my children support what I do and bring me immense joy. Additionally, people like Anj Handa, who founded Inspiring Women Changemakers, have been incredibly selfless in their support. The TWM board and practitioners, whom I meet with regularly, are also a huge source of encouragement.
As a woman entrepreneur, what changes do you hope to see in the world, and what opportunities are you seeking?
We need to stop more often and become aware of this impossibly beautiful world. Our decisions and actions should prioritize caring for each other and the planet. The true currency of wealth is love, not money.
Women now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the workplace, breaking through glass ceilings to reach the top. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?
I believe we shouldn’t feel the need to act like men to succeed. Instead, we should embrace and value the feminine energy we bring to the workplace.
Get in touch with her:
- Website: The Walters Method
- Facebook: The Walters Method