Guiding Individuals and Businesses to Live On-Purpose

Kevin McCarthy

Meet Kevin McCarthy, the Purpose, People & Profit Integrator who is transforming lives and businesses by helping people discover their life’s purpose. As the Professor of On-Purpose®, Kevin’s mission is to guide individuals and entrepreneurs towards a more meaningful life, both personally and professionally. His pioneering work began with his first book The On-Purpose Person, and he continues to inspire others to make purposeful decisions that lead to positive outcomes.

Could you briefly introduce yourself?

I am a Purpose, People & Profit Integrator, guiding business owners to put purpose to work powerfully. I’m also the Professor of On-Purpose® and my work is focused on helping people and organizations live and operate with clear purpose, direction, and meaningful outcomes.

Could you describe your initiative/startup’s purpose and vision and how it benefits its target audience?

Purpose: To be On-Purpose.
Vision: A world where every person is on-purpose.
Benefit: Once a person knows their life purpose, they are equipped to make better life and career decisions that create positive outcomes. They transition from wandering aimlessly to living with clarity, meaning, and direction. This is especially impactful for entrepreneurs who need a strong sense of purpose to guide their businesses.

As far as entrepreneurship is concerned, your journey is quite inspiring. What are some of your most significant accomplishments and how did you achieve them?

My first book, The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Sense, was released in 1991 and started a global conversation about purpose. Since then, I’ve continued to spread this message and transform lives with the On-Purpose approach.

Being an entrepreneur, what kind of response have you received from your users/consumers?

I am truly blessed to have readers and clients who reach out daily to share how the On-Purpose Message has positively impacted their lives. Their stories of transformation and clarity are a testament to the power of purpose.

 In what ways has your life changed since you began your entrepreneurial journey?

I’ve been an entrepreneur for so long that I honestly don’t remember a time before it. It feels like it’s in my DNA. The entrepreneurial spirit has always been part of who I am, and it continues to shape both my personal and professional life.

Do you think ‘GENDER’ affects entrepreneurship? Your views?
