Heidi Meckley is the CEO and creator of The Meckley Method.
Heidi Meckley is your secret weapon for business success. This powerhouse coach and entrepreneur isn’t just another partner; she’s a cheerleader, author, and accountability expert on a mission to empower women. Through her signature Meckley Accountability Method, Heidi keeps you laser-focused and propels you towards action.
But Heidi’s passion goes deeper. Overcoming a personal battle with Post Concussion Syndrome, she emerged stronger, dedicated to helping women break free from limitations and achieve their wildest dreams.
What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your corporate journey/venture/initiative.
My younger years were a bit rough. My parents divorced, although I was hoping for that due to all the fighting, my brother wasn’t very brotherly to say it nicely and we were home alone a lot. Once my parents divorced we would go long stretches without my mother present. I didn’t really realize it then but looking back I keep wondering where she was. I do not know how we had any food in the house with her being gone. We didn’t have a lot but we did have food.
Because of this I gained real respect for myself and what I could do, however, again I really didn’t realize it until I sat to write a book. I would get up, get ready and go to school without anyone pushing or even at the house. I graduated high school and within 3 days moved out.
We all go through things in life that shape us. We may not recognize it while going through it, especially when we are young but hopefully you look back and see all you have done. I have always had to figure things out if I wanted it done. So, I am guessing that is where my let’s do this attitude comes from.
I have always had some side hustle I was doing as well as working a day job. I had people in my ear always saying there was no way I would be able to make real money with what I was doing. That was the case for most of my business life. Until, I had one family member ask me after a conference I was attending, “how was work”. That meant more to me than any paycheck! Things started to really turn after that.
I used to think I would be some sort of teacher, just not to kids. LOL I didn’t want to teach those that were forced to be there, I wanted to teach those that wanted to learn. I guess I am doing just that now with my coaching, teaching and guiding others to help them truly live and create their best lives.
Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business /initiative? What motivated you within to say YES, go for it!”
In 2019 I took a very nasty fall that should have killed me, but it didn’t, because I am here for a reason. At that same time I had a direct sales business, and still do for what will be 7 yrs this July, and had booked out all of Oct through January of in person vendor events. They were all paid for and you do not get refunds unless the event closes for all. We did all of them as a family having one of my best seasons for vendor events in my worst condition health wise.
I had decided in the same month I fell, October, that I needed to do something different. I needed a coach. I joined a free week-long event and started my coaching journey. I knew I needed someone to point out to me what I was doing to not hit the levels I KNEW I should be with what I was doing. It took about 2 yrs with different coaches but I connected with someone in the program and we figured it out while chatting online. I felt like a throw away person because of everyone in my family walking away, friends and more. I flipped the script and told myself the reason they felt they could leave was because of how strong I was due to all I had been through. That was a life changer for me.
However, in every group coaching program I was in I would work to gather anywhere from 6-10 women to join hands so we could learn, grow and level up together. Not even realizing at the time that, doing that is the fastest way to level up. In every program they came to me outside the classes to be held accountable, to make things more clear in what they had going on and to give them the loving kick in the pants to get things done.
In 2022 one group kept saying I should just be a coach because they felt I could teach what we were learning and was able to get them to understand better than the coaches we had. So on a whim in gathering as many of the ladies from that group that I could we all went to NYC for an event our coaches were putting on. We even stayed together. I went with my beauty biz but everyone would ask if I was doing anything else while networking. I would then explain I was thinking about becoming a coach helping others with accountability, mindset and taking action. They all said why are you not doing this now we need more like this. So, I came home and within 3 days I launched my business.
Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?
Absolutely! To start, please understand you NEED to believe in YOU first. Do not look to the left or right to see what everyone else is doing. Do you, learn what God placed on your heart and then use Free Will to go take the action and make it happen.
Plus, understand that the more we come together and work together the faster we all will rise. One mind is good but two or more is so much better. Getting the perspective from others that walked a different life than you and have different backgrounds than you will help you grow exponentially!
God stated – on earth as it is in heaven. Well you cannot have it without going after what God has for you. Sitting around waiting for God to bless you with all the things, you will be disappointed. We were meant to put to action the thoughts, ideas and more that God places in our hearts. Just remember what God gives to you is your, others will not always understand and that is ok. You have to go after it and make it happen, don’t listen to those that are trying to talk you out of something you know God gave you to go after.
Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. There are cracks in glass ceilings everywhere, with many women breaking through to carve out a space right at the top of the pyramid. What are your thoughts about women leadership today?
We for sure need more women leadership but I truly believe we need to work hand in hand with our male counterparts, showing them it isn’t about what sex we are but about just working to be a great leader for others. There are some industries that still are pushing back about women leaders but we will get there.
I do not like how things need to be back handed or in a way that has people doing things they know they should not just to get ahead. People should be able to go up through the ranks by merit on their growth and skill not just because they are a man or a woman.
We all need to pull together to be the best we can be, growing together and helping each other instead of going after each other.
What’s the most important thing you have learned in your personal life and professional journey? What is your personal motto in life?
The most important thing is to always choose you first. Now I know some will have issues with this but when you really understand that choosing you is not selfish and you are not doing it to harm anyone, it is life changing. By feeding yourself and your soul first you will have so much more to offer and give others in your life. Does this mean they may have to wait a little but, yes, however, it doesn’t mean you do not care or want the best for the other person. It only means that in order to give the other person your best you need a moment to take care of you.
My motto is get it done, take action, messy action. Do not wait until it is perfect because that does not exist. Taking positive action will always help chase away the bad thoughts and procrastination.
With your grit and determination, you are making a considerable impact, breaking through, and serving as role models for many budding entrepreneurs. What would you want to say to our young women leaders/audience reading this?
Believe in YOU! You ARE enough and YOU do matter! Do not wait for someone to make things happen, take the first steps and learn how to make things happen. Don’t try to be like anyone else, stay true to you. If you do not know who that is, make a list of who you want to be, meaning the characteristics that you want to be known for. Then start working to master each. As you choose who you are, you choose who can and cannot affect how you feel, you choose what happens in your life. So be sure to make it as spectacular as you can!
Life is way too short and you only get one chance to make it a great one. We all waste some time within our lives just don’t stay there. Go after what you want and know that life is happening for you NOT to you!