Empowering Women to Lead: A Conversation with Shea Smith

Shea Smith

Shea Smith is an executive coach who has been helping high performers achieve what feels impossible since 2014. She empowers hundreds of women to break past their perceived limits by providing tools that help them step into their power naturally. She equips women with strategies to confidently embrace their roles as leaders in both life and business, enabling them to create greater impact in their communities.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your entrepreneurial journey/venture/initiative.
The road to get where I am now was not a straight path, to say the least. Through challenges in my childhood, I learned to work hard and take any opportunity I could to grow. I tried many things before I fully felt ready, taking many leaps of faith. Taking those risks opened doors I couldn’t have imagined opening on my own.

Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business/initiative? What motivated you within to say YES, go for it?
I am deeply motivated by empowering women and helping them break free from the limiting beliefs they hold about themselves. Each day, I wake up energized by the opportunity to support women in stepping out of their own way and pursuing their dreams, knowing the incredible impact they are destined to make in the world.
My reason for saying “yes” to going all in on the work that I do is anchored in that motivation. If I hold back, it doesn’t serve others well, and I believe the world needs the impact my clients are making.

Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?
I’m currently working with high performers who want to get further, faster, all while loving their lives. I love helping people dream bigger than they thought possible and supporting them with mindset and strategy tools to help them go where they once thought was impossible.
Through this work, I’m trying to make a generational impact. I want to equip world changers with the support they need to make even bigger moves and become better leaders themselves. The better they lead, the better their teams lead, and so on.

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?
For over a decade, I had the privilege of being in the top 0.2% of a high-performing sales team, leading and mentoring thousands of incredible women. I’ve had the honor of speaking on stages across the United States, further training and leading women.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?
The best piece of advice I received was the encouragement to get uncomfortable. If your dreams feel doable, you’re not setting the bar high enough for yourself. You deserve to have a vision for your life that is absolutely thrilling. Don’t settle for comfortable.

Women are a growing force in workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. What are your thoughts about women leadership today?
We need more women in leadership, and that starts with women owning their authority and expertise. I see many women shy away from leadership roles because of their own doubts or impostor thoughts. Taking the step forward and coming from a place of service can be incredibly impactful.

What would you want to say to our young leaders/audience reading this?
To the young leaders reading this: Cast a big vision for your life now and start building commitments for yourself around the goals that are in alignment with that big vision. Don’t wait until you feel you’ve reached a certain level to start designing life the way you want it to be.