Yanira Puy, Founder & CEO, empowers individuals to learn how to heal themselves from the inside out so they can become healthier and happier. She loves what she does and is passionate about wellness, and she leads with her own example.
Tell us about your life before the venture/ leading up to your venture?
After 20 years working as a marketing professional in Venezuela, the United States and Colombia, I began to question my purpose and my professional path. That is when I decided to help people achieve wellness and got certified as a health coach, got my second master’s degree (this one focused on coaching) and founded two companies. I am currently working as a wellness professional, with individuals and companies in Latin America and the USA. I have helped dozens of people in my coaching practice, hundreds of people with my online programs and thousands of people through my webinars, workshops, conferences and wellness programs.
Tell us something about your organization. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?
In order to thrive in our lives and be able to work, socialize and do our daily activities we need to be healthy and invest in our wellbeing. Being healthy is not only the lack of disease but rather as the World Health Organization puts it as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. Yanira Puy Health & Wellness specializes in guiding people in their path to be healthier and happier. We work with individuals and organizations as well that want to invest in their employees’ wellness. People who are healthier have lower risk of disease, depression, anxiety and a longer life. Companies who invest in a wellness culture, employees improve behavior and productivity and reduce absenteeism and health risks. Our services include coaching one on one, workshops, webinars, online courses, wellness programs and conferences. At Yanira Puy Health & Wellness we work on integrative wellness to achieve a healthy and happy life.
What has been the response of the consumers towards your venture?
As I see my health journey I have realized that despite my ups and downs I have always bounced back healthier and stronger. Based on my own experience I have been able to guide thousands of people to become healthier. I have combined my 20 years experience in the corporate world with all the knowledge in wellness to also help companies to invest in their employees. In these past years I have been able to impact dozens of people in my coaching practice, hundreds with 5 online programs and thousands with webinars, workshops, conferences, wellness programs and recently teaching wellness for older adults.
How has your life changed because of your venture?
My professional life has been one with many successes. However, since I launched my own business, I have been able to impact people’s health and wellness and make a difference in the world.
Give a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.
There is a new empowered and healthier woman in the world today. A woman that has the power to change her health, heal herself and become her best healthier version. The new woman is the mother who wants a perfect relationship with her kids. It is the business woman that wants to grow in her professional career. It is the partner who wants a loving and fulfilling relationship. It is the friend that is always there. It is the woman who wants to feel whole, beautiful and healthy. It is the woman that has the different roles in her life and wants to thrive in every one of them and feel healthy and energetic while doing them, that woman is you.