Empowering Expecting Moms to Transition to Motherhood Feeling Resilient, Joyful and Ready to Raise Conscious Beings

Soraiya Bodhi

Soraiya lives in Vancouver, Canada with her partner and two incredible children. She is a Conscious Mom Coach, Senior HR Professional, Author and Podcast Host of Miracle Mom Mindset. 

Her legacy is love and to deepen consciousness on the planet through mothers and their children. As Conscious Mom Coach, she empowers expecting moms to transition to motherhood feeling resilient, joyfully connected in their relationships and ready to raise conscious beings that light up the world! 

Soraiya has two decades of experience working in Human Resources and an MBA in International Business from the University of Edinburgh. She is a Certified Life & Spiritual Coach.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your corporate journey/venture/initiative. 

Soraiya’s roots are from India and East Africa. She was born in England and grew up in Canada where the winters were as cold as -50 celcius. Growing up, her family and traditions emphasized spirituality, celebrating diversity and giving back. At the age of ten, she began to meditate and found the spark of expressing her soul’s voice through written form. She loved poetry and was deeply inspired by her favourite poet Khalil Gibran. She loved spending time with her family and was best friends with her sister. They grew up playing piano, ball hockey, ice skating and skateboarding. She always found joy in helping others and has approximately 25 years of voluntary service in the areas of mental health, poverty alleviation, seniors and people with disabilities.

Before she became a Conscious Mom coach, she was going through a challenging time in her life. As a first time mom she had a stair fall when her son was 9 months old. This meant she was unable to lift her son when he would cry. This was in addition to contending with 22 years of chronic pain. She started down her usual path of seeking specialists and pain relief through various modalities. Nine months later she was not making any progress and was struggling immensely with pain and her concussion. Through it all she had to find creative ways to nurse her son day and night and make it through sleepless nights. To cope, she felt this need to put on a happy face for her son and show him she was okay. She felt isolated, sad and at a loss of what to do. 

One day, she got on her knees in total surrender and asked the Universe for help. What emerged was a voice of love guiding her to meditate. Each night she felt this force of love waking her up in the middle of the night giving her strength to sit in meditation. As she sat in silence, what surfaced were all the emotions she had suppressed. As she gave herself permission to feel and release these emotions that no longer served her, she began to feel immense relief. She realized she no longer had to pretend everything was okay, she just needed to sit with herself and allow what was. After many nights of surfacing the pain that was stored within, she felt this incredible light overwhelm her entire being. Her heart cracked wide open and in that moment she felt this complete immersion of peace, healing and unconditional love. Every pain, every worry and every sadness melted away and she had this deep knowing that she was being guided to profound peace and healing. 

As she welcomed the presence of this light, the next thought that emerged was how can she alleviate the suffering of someone else and bring this feeling of immense peace to their lives. From that moment on she knew she was not alone and a new mission was born. She asked to be guided and continued to meditate and pray on a daily basis. What emerged were countless miracles such as being guided to coaches to do deep inner work and heal 22 years of chronic pain. Being guided to write a book, written by the Universe through her form. Being guided to A Course in Miracles to retrain her thought system of fear to that of love. Starting her own podcast show and feeling fully awakened to why she’s here! Through all of this, she has learned how to clearly hear her inner voice, have the courage to follow it and lean on it to navigate challenging times. She is excited to gift this to moms around the world through her book, podcast and Conscious Mom Mastermind.

Tell us something about your initiative/business. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?

Soraiya believes there is no greater power to transform the world than to awaken a mother’s highest form of love and connectivity within. She asserts when a mother unconditionally loves and accepts herself and serves from a place of completion, she unapologetically steps into her inner brilliance, setting a powerful example for her children to do the same. She is certain that in doing so, mothers will create a ripple effect of love, joy, compassion and peace, illuminating themselves, their children and the planet at large. 

In order to support this transformation, Soraiya has created a Conscious Mom Mastermind to empower 1st time moms to prepare for the complete identity shift and emotional and spiritual transformation in becoming a mom. So many moms have shared with her the complete disconnect between what they thought motherhood was and what it actually is. 

As a gift to expecting moms, she is offering a FREE Conscious Mom Masterclass (8 minutes) where you can sign up for a FREE 1 hour Conscious Mom Blueprint call at https://www.soraiyabodhi.com. During this call she will personally walk you through the steps on how to emotionally and spiritually prepare for motherhood. Spaces are limited. 

Expecting moms can implement this Conscious Mom Blueprint on their own and if they need more support, they can discuss further with Soraiya at that time. 

While the global pandemic of COVID-19 is associated primarily with adversities, it has also brought about a true boom in startups, with successful entrepreneurship in many countries. The pandemic has impacted all of us in one way or another. Would you like to share your experience on a personal and professional level?

Soraiya had her 2nd child during the pandemic. Through the deep inner work she was led on, she found a community of amazing women who were on the quest to uncover their truth. The world shutting down meant spending time to look within, slowing things down and stilling the mind. It led her to find an anchor of profound inner peace that she can go to at any time. This helped shift her inner dialogue from fear to faith during her birth and surrender her life in the hands of the Universe. Opening the door to uncovering this unflickering light within, led her to hear the calling to write a book on conscious motherhood and self love. It led to her awaken to a newfound passion and calling to serve. For her the pandemic was a true testament of faith, surrender and uncovering her connection to everything and everyone.

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?

Soraiya has received so much love and support for her book, podcast and all that she is creating. She is also very excited to open the doors to her Conscious Mom Mastermind this summer.

How has your life changed because of your initiative/venture?

Soraiya’s entire life has new meaning and purpose. The way that she looks at the world is full of hope and possibility. She feels fully guided by love and feels immense peace even in the midst of the beautiful and messy ride of motherhood! As a result of her inner transformation, she is far more present, joyful, connected and resilient. She now stands fully embodied in her light as a conscious mom, confidently raising conscious beings that light up the world!

As she creates from her heart space to serve the collective, she feels profound freedom and certainty. This has led her to attract people, circumstances and abundance to support her on her path of serving. She now has this deep desire and knowing that her life is meant to be spent cocreating with the Universe in the highest good of all.

Do you have anyone who is the biggest support system in your life? Please let us know.

Her biggest support system is the Universe and the eternal link placed within her being, guiding her at every turn. She also feels immensely blessed to have supportive family and friends who believe in her mission full heartedly.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity? OR Share a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.

Soraiya would like to see every woman on the planet awakened to their highest self. She wants to remind you that the biggest power you have is in remembering your own. You have purpose, you matter and you have been created as a vision of our Creator’s infinite love. This love resides within you at all times and is the force of truth, courage and guidance on your path. Please always remember that you are the light which you seek. Once you fully attune to your light within, you will unleash transformation and a purpose that not only serves you but the entire humanity.

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