Flora Ong

Flora Ong is a dating and relationship coach, founder of Redo Love, integrated attachment specialist, divorced mom of 2 precious kids.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your Entrepreneur journey/venture/initiative.

I grew up in a close-knit Soviet Ukrainian Jewish household in the US, surrounded by grandparents, cousins, and many relatives – a setup common in many ethnic cultures. My upbringing was characterized by a strong work ethic, exemplified by my parents who worked tirelessly to help our family thrive in a new country.

My mom, in particular, was a role model of determination. She worked full-time while simultaneously pursuing her college education. Her steady corporate career became the blueprint I initially aimed to follow. However, despite my best efforts, I found myself struggling to fit into traditional employment, often facing termination from various jobs.

It wasn’t until what I call my ‘life 2.0’ – the period after my divorce – that I inadvertently began my journey into entrepreneurship. This phase of my life coincided with my personal growth and healing from attachment issues. As I worked through my own challenges, I discovered a passion for helping others navigate similar struggles.

This realization became the foundation of my current path. My business as a dating and relationship coach evolved organically, emerging as an extension of work that truly fulfills me. It’s allowed me to transform my personal experiences and growth into a meaningful career, helping others rewrite their own love stories and heal their attachment wounds.

Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business /initiative? What motivated you within to say YES, go for it!”

My journey into the world of relationship coaching wasn’t born from a grand business plan or a desire to dominate an industry. Instead, it emerged organically from my own life experiences and personal growth.

After going through a divorce and embarking on what I call my ‘life 2.0’, I found myself on a path of healing and self-discovery. As I worked through my own attachment issues and relationship patterns, I experienced profound transformations that changed not just my love life, but my entire perspective on connections and self-worth.

The pivotal moment came when I realized that my struggles and subsequent growth could serve a greater purpose. I saw friends, family, and acquaintances grappling with the same challenges I had faced – feeling stuck in unhealthy relationship patterns, struggling with self-esteem, and yearning for deeper, more fulfilling connections.

My motivation wasn’t to start a business; it was a calling to help others navigate the complex terrain of love and relationships that I had just begun to understand. The ‘YES’ moment wasn’t about market opportunities or financial prospects. It was a resounding ‘YES’ to making a difference in people’s lives, to sharing the insights and strategies that had transformed my own life.

This business grew from a place of genuine passion and purpose. Every client’s breakthrough, every relationship mended or self-esteem rebuilt, reinforces that this isn’t just a job – it’s a mission. It’s about empowering others to rewrite their love stories, just as I rewrote mine.

So, while my coaching practice has indeed grown into a business, at its core, it remains a calling. It’s a testament to the power of personal transformation and the ripple effect it can have when we choose to share our journey with others.

Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?

My hope is to heal as many people as possible into accepting themselves and into their own wholeness.

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?

There’s no words to describe the fulfillment of a client breakthrough. This work has provided me personally with a blueprint for life. One that is based on openness, non-judgment, personal accountability and free from wounding. When a client has this breakthrough and I can see their perspective is changed, I am not only happy for them but I know that the ripple effects of this enlightenment is forever. So in many ways, I feel that I am doing my part to change the trajectory for future generations to live a more accepting and peaceful life.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?

More love, less divisiveness. More compassion, less anger. More acceptance, less hate.

Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. What are your thoughts about women leadership today?

I think it’s so inspiring and I want to caution that we are in a transitional period where women are rising to meet their male counterparts in external circumstances (work, finances, education…) but men are still catching up to meet women internally (emotionally). There is a calibration happening as we speak and it will take time for this to equalize.

What would you want to say to our young leaders/audience reading this?

Do what brings you joy and allow that joy to bring you the abundance you seek.