Dr. Simone Alicia

Dr. Simone Alicia is an award-winning motivational speaker, international self-esteem expert, and founder of The Self-Esteem Doctor Academy. 

She tells us that, “With decades of experience, I help people worldwide access their inner power and overcome limiting beliefs to achieve personal and professional success. My approach integrates Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Metaphysical Science, and holistic tools to reprogram negative thinking and enhance mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. As a certified practitioner, author, and TV subject matter expert, I’m dedicated to spreading lasting transformation globally through speaking, coaching, and accessible online resources for all ages.

Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life.

Before I became the business leader I am today, my life was shaped by an unusual but powerful combination of experiences. As a child, I was already teaching; my teddy bears were my first students. I had a natural knack for finding solutions, a skill I later realized was one of my superpowers. This mindset of focusing on solutions rather than problems, would go on to define my work. Later, my background in both modeling and elementary school teaching gave me unique insights into the world of self-esteem. It was in these environments that I truly understood how critical self-esteem is, leading me to where I am today.

Could you elaborate on the nature of your initiative/ business/current role, highlighting its purpose and the ways it benefits people? 

As the founder of The Self-Esteem Doctor Academy, my mission is to share the unique, underutilized tools that most people have either never heard of or don’t fully understand. These tools are my secret sauce when it comes to unlocking individuals from limiting beliefs and reconnecting them with their deeper, spiritual selves. I’m passionate about not just teaching the ‘what’ but also the most important ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind these transformative practices. My goal is to spread this knowledge far and wide—through TV, live presentations, and my online academy—giving people 24/7 access to life-changing resources that help them shift their mindset and step into their full potential.

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?

The response to my venture has been incredibly positive and validating. My clients’ results are the evidence of my success.  By focusing on behavioral outcomes and measurable changes, I’ve seen firsthand the profound impact of my work. I’ve been honored with speaking awards, and I’m frequently invited by well-known organizations and institutions to share my insights and expertise. These recognitions reflect the effectiveness of the tools and strategies I provide, and they highlight the meaningful transformations people experience through my programs.

Having a strong support system is essential for your well-being. We would love to know who your biggest supporter is. Share with us and let’s celebrate the amazing people in our lives who make a positive impact.

My biggest supporters are my spirituality and my family, both of which play a crucial role in my well-being and success. Additionally, I’ve found immense value in aligning with like-minded industry leaders and top performing women who also recognize a higher power within. Their support and shared vision have been truly powerful, contributing significantly to my journey and the impact of my work.

As a woman entrepreneur, what changes do you hope to see in the world and what opportunities are you seeking?

As a woman entrepreneur, I hope to see a shift in the belief that change must always be lengthy and difficult. With NLP and Metaphysics, I’ve seen firsthand how transformation can be swift, simple and long-lasting. I’d love for more people to recognize that while change can be challenging, it doesn’t have to be hard or prolonged. I’m also excited and grateful for opportunities to share my message on TV and to travel the world, speaking to audiences of all sizes. These opportunities help amplify my mission of empowering individuals to embrace rapid, positive change – and of course can inspire other women to follow their dreams and balance it all with ease and grace.

Women now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the workplace, breaking through glass ceilings to reach the top. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

I’ve always believed in the power of our beliefs and expectations to impact our experiences. Today, science is proving more and more that our energy, magnetism and perception all affect the way we experience the world – including the way others respond to us.  That said, it is now understood that limiting beliefs about one’s role, receptivity, or potential in the workplace can create self-imposed barriers. 

My thoughts on leadership today is that confidence and a clear focus on your desired outcomes are essential tools for breaking through any perceived “ceiling.” Personally, I have used this mindset to positively influence how I’m perceived and received in all areas of my life. Women today are proving that with a strong inner-sense of self, we can continue to shatter barriers and excel in leadership roles, with greater ease than previously thought possible. It’s about doing the inner-work first and  maintaining that self-worth, confidence and focus.  This way we can unapologetically forge new paths for ourselves and inspire future generations of women to be unstoppable.

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