Rhyanne El-Nazer

Rhyanne El-Nazer is a woman’s health coach who helps ambitious professional women beat burnout, feel energised and thrive at work. 

She tells us that, “I was inspired to become a health coach when I saw a mutual friend online was a coach and had created a thriving business. This made me realise that health coaching was the perfect combination of my medical and business background. As a result, I decided to study for a health coaching diploma online which I completed in a few months.”

What were your early years like? Could you share a bit about your life before you began your coaching journey?

I studied medicine and then an MBA at university. Afterwards, I did an internship in project management in Melbourne, Australia. Then, I worked at Deloitte as a business analyst and then in real estate as a property consultant in Dubai.

Was there any turning point in your life that changed your journey? If so, what was it? Please tell us the backstory behind it.

I came to the realisation that I wanted a career that combined my scientific and business background, was flexible and would give me opportunities to meet others. That’s when I decided health coaching was the right career for me.

Everyone faces unique challenges when starting an entrepreneurial journey. The most valuable lessons often come from understanding how these challenges are managed. Could you share the difficulties you’ve encountered and the strategies you’ve used to cope with them?

As an entrepreneur you are trying to juggle many different things at once. You have to be very organised, good with time management and know when to outsource work so you can focus on the most important tasks.

What impact do you feel you have been able to create with your work so far and how would you want to grow in the next few years?

I have been able to use my knowledge to help educate others around me including the importance of diet and lifestyle on improving their quality of life, preventing chronic diseases and living longer. I would love to continue scaling my business and spreading this vital message!

Would you like to share with our aspiring young women entrepreneurs the changes you would like to see in the world if given the opportunity?

I would like to see more equality, better workplace practices and more supportive organisations that don’t treat well being like a tick box exercise and recognise that investing in their workforce is an investment in their own performance, employee retention and employee satisfaction.

Women are increasingly becoming a powerful presence in workplaces worldwide, breaking through glass ceilings and reaching top leadership positions. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

It’s definitely a step in the right direction. There is still a long way to go in terms of reducing the gender pay gap and ensuring women are properly supported in the workplace. I think there is still more education required in understanding and ensuring women’s needs are met at work.

Your grit and determination are making a significant impact, serving as an inspiration for many aspiring entrepreneurs. What message would you like to share with our young women leaders and audience reading this?

Surround yourself with people who are supportive and have your best interests at heart. Trust your gut instinct.