Lara Doherty is a Vision & Motivational Coach and Author of The Mighty Book of Motivation Magic, named recently as “the bible for our generation!“. She helps female small business owners (she niche is wellbeing practitioners) who struggle at the beginning of building their business with overwhelm, selfdoubt and stress. She thus helps them build a clear vision and roadmap, so they are able to move forward with motivation, excitement and confidence. Her clients call her their “cheerleader” and “business angel“. She is 52 and has oodles of life experience to share with my network and my clients, and truly loves the work she does, particularly when she sees the transformation it brings.
Tell us about your life before the venture/ leading up to your venture?
A life rich in experience, I have travelled loads, varied corporate positions in a variety of different industries. However, the one thing that was always missing was that I didn’t love myself. I realised in 2018 after a difficult relationship split that I could learn to love myself and radically change my life with self development tools and methods, which included Vision Boarding, so I did exactly that. I transformed my life for the better and can now confidently look in the mirror and love the person I see.
Tell us something about your organization. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?
I grew up with parents who were very hands off, they just let myself and my brothers get on with it, with little support or encouragement. My upbringing was very independent and I was expected to navigate life with little encouragement or support. It was often hard and lonely. I was also bullied at school and my school did nothing to boost my self esteem or confidence, in fact, it did the opposite. But it inspired me in my work today. I now work with women to help them see the incredible potential in themselves and cheer them to more confidence and self esteem in themselves. I help them step out of their comfort zones, but metaphorically hold their hand.
What has been the response of the consumers towards your venture?
Incredible! It’s been so rewarding, and I am so grateful for the happy feedback I’ve received from my clients illustrating this. I have also qualified as a coach and in neuroscience and brain health to understand our brains and what we are capable of so much better.
How has your life changed because of your venture?
In 2017 I was completely broken, and I had even lost my spirit. But developing my business has changed my life forever! It has truly made me have a wider experience of life. There is no greater satisfaction than seeing the transformation my work brings to the life of others.
Give a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.
Anything is possible. You have more potential inside you than you will ever know.
Yes you can and you will.