Coach Lily Lomeli

Coach Lily Lomeli tells us that, “In 2009 I came to the States looking for a purpose.

After a time of struggle I went into a journey of self-discovery. I found that the best way to help myself was by helping others. In getting to know others I found a sense of belonging and understanding that we are not alone.

Assisting groups and sharing my story gave me the strength to continue pushing through.

As a Life and Health Coach I aim to help our communities one person at a time, fast tracking for others the process that took me more than a decade to achieve.”

Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life.

I have a Masters Degree in Business Administration. I love sales and I’m passionate about adventures and challenges. I have done multilevel marketing achieving high ranks, call sales, imports and exports of different materials, door to door sales, accounting, management and so much more. I had to try so many things to find my purpose, Helping Women through Coaching.

Could you elaborate on the nature of your initiative/ business/current role, highlighting its purpose and the ways it benefits people?

I’m a Life and Health Coach. I aim to bring a fresh perspective and empowerment to people, especially women that feel stuck in life. My call of action is “Unstuck your Life” . My motto is “If you are not being challenged I’m not coaching you well”. We thrive in challenge and I aim to do that with kindness and love so people can achieve long lasting results.

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?

I have seen amazing transformations, women turning their lives around and making better choices for them. My “clients” usually renew and continue working with me because they want to continue the process with different areas in their lives. I have seen growth, empowerment, happiness, more positive lives and people going against their fears to achieve and find purpose. In this journey I have been featured nationally and internationally to spread the word about positive thinking, I have been selected for talks in different settings, I collaborate with a couple of national magazines in mental and family health, I founded a group of women called The Ripple Effect with now more than 200 participants and so much more.

Having a strong support system is essential for your well-being. We would love to know who your biggest supporter is. Share with us and let’s celebrate the amazing people in our lives who make a positive impact.

We are meant to be in community and grow together. As an immigrant I know what it is to be alone. Through this process I have met the most incredible people; I’m fortunate and I work hard to have them around. My partner-fiance has been my rock through this process supporting me and cheering me up. I also have my mentor and friend always bringing perspective to keep a balanced life. My Mom’s support, with 2 kids, a growing home and a growing business she has been there for me. And My close friends are there when I need them and vice versa.

As a woman entrepreneur, what changes do you hope to see in the world and what opportunities are you seeking?

I look forward to seeing more empowered women that even with family and kids don’t give up on their dreams and purpose. I want to see stronger communities with more support and less judgment led by women helping one another. I want to see less comparison, higher self-esteem and more strength to push each other up.

Women now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the workplace, breaking through glass ceilings to reach the top. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

It’s empowering to see this long process come alive at the same time I know we women are more susceptible to our emotions and we are at higher risk to succumb to our feelings that is why it is so important to lift one another. Our emotional cycles, programming and conditioning keeps affecting us and with higher jobs come higher responsibilities. We have to rely more and more on our women’s support systems. It’s amazing what we have achieved so far. Let’s continue working on our mental health to continue growing strong.

Get in touch.

Website –

Instagram – coachlily.betransformed

Facebook – Be transformed with Coach Lily 

Tik Tok – coachlilylomeli