Nick Pretasky

Nick Pretasky tells us that, “I have a passion and unwavering dedication to supporting others to reach their full human potential.  I believe that leadership is how we positively impact the world. As a wilderness guide, teacher, organizational leader, and now coach, I have witnessed transformational success by paying attention to how we show up for our team. I partner with businesses and organizations to develop effective leader behaviors and routines that ensure the right conditions for success.  I value the power of team spirit as we strive to change the narrative to make our world of work more fulfilling.  I developed six humanistic leadership components to reconstruct and transform leadership and organizational culture.”

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your Entrepreneur journey/venture/initiative.

I have always been inspired and energized by helping others accomplish things they never thought were possible.  I was originally trained to be a school teacher.  I was driven to create learning conditions and a learning atmosphere where my students had the opportunity to feel confident, be challenged, and find their own unique pathways.  My life took a unique twist as I decided to leave the classroom and leverage my passion for the outdoors and be trained as a wilderness guide to lead remote trips in the backcountry.  

Leading others in the wilderness allowed me to witness the power of collaboration and human connectedness.  When adversity strikes, the strongest teams grow closer and build a deeper belonging.  We could not summit the mountain without our whole team.  When I became an organizational leader, I quickly realized the importance of human leader skills.  The power of team spirit and strong leadership can overcome the most challenging circumstances.  Humanistic Leadership LLC was born.  Now I use these essential humanistic leadership practices as I partner with organizations and leaders across the United States.

Courage comes from those in our inner circle.  Our resolve and resilience to navigate conflict is often a collaborative process.  I could never fully express the gratitude that I have for everyone who has influenced my journey to this point.  Every relationship, success, and failure has prepared me for a better today and tomorrow.

Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business /initiative? What motivated you within to say YES, go for it!”

I am driven by making the impossible possible.  It became clear to me that at the root of every business, organization, or school challenge, stood a human.  As a world society, we spend much of our adult life inside our work.  Often, our work life is frustrating, stressful, and rudderless causing poor engagement, uneven production, and lack of success.  Unsuccessful work life leads to dysregulated communities.  

I wanted to help.  I found that when we stopped making plans for people and our organizational leaders started listening and were committed to the team, we could begin to transform the impossible.  Humanistic Leadership LLC was born out of a desire to positively change our communities by building more human-connected businesses, schools, and organizations.  I found a deep sense of self-fulfillment by helping leaders and organizations reach their potential.

Leading humanistically does not always have an easy answer.  Humans are complex.  It takes a deep conviction and belief that together we are stronger.  When we forfeit the need for immediate results and focus on the behaviors of trust, leadership, and relationships, our culture begins to make a return on the investment.  But when we pay attention to the needs of our colleagues and build organizations that clearly align to purpose, the tides begin to turn.

Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?

In today’s often fast-paced, dynamic work environments, teams often struggle to stay aligned, collaborate effectively, and adapt to the shifting landscape.  I have the amazing opportunity to help organizations and leaders produce outcomes they never thought were possible.  We humanize the work of leadership.  I listen, brainstorm, and challenge others to rethink how they are showing up for others.  Many of the individuals and teams I partner with would say I provide clarity, courage, and inspiration.

I have discovered that when organizations and leaders dig into the root cause of any challenge, it is often a human issue.  The best leaders are not problem solvers.  We are listeners and learners.  Humanistic Leadership LLC is founded on six core components:  1. Inner Work, 2. Trust and Psychological Safety, 3. Listen and Provide Clarity, 4. Growth through Conflict, 5. Gratitude and Empathy, and 6. Belief, Vision, and Purpose.  When our organizations feel stuck, it is not a “them” problem, instead, it is our opportunity as leaders to reflect, listen, learn, and show up differently. Our specific leader’s behaviors, skills, and routines create the conditions that unlock other’s greatness.  

Through one-to-one leader coaching, team workshops, and culture training,  I work with leaders to question, prioritize, clarify and foster team ownership ensuring longer-lasting impact and sustainability.  Together, we set specific goals to grow a leader’s influence, develop stronger teams, and generate greater outcomes.

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?

The birth of my two daughters are the single greatest moments of my life.  Sharing this with my amazing wife, Krissy, made it that much more special.  Being a father is humbling.  I work with powerful leaders across the United States, but the most important impact I have is right here at home.  My family always has a way of grounding me in my purpose and ensuring I never lose sight of the opportunity we have every day to positively impact the world.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?

I deeply believe that when we positively impact the world of work, we can build stronger and connected communities.  The environments and culture of our workplaces spill over into our personal lives. How we are led, trained, and appreciated will help us be better parents, spouses, children, and community members.  Our workplaces should be more human where learning, continuous improvement, and collaboration are at the center.

If we can leave work feeling inspired and purposeful, our personal lives will also be that much more fulfilling.  The values of today’s organizations and businesses often become the foundation of our society.  I dream that organizational leaders do not shy away from this responsibility.  It starts with us.  It can start with our next meeting, training, or onboarding.  Inspire, support, and find the genius of others.  Not only will you see a financial ROI, our world will be better because of it. 

Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. What are your thoughts about women leadership today?

I see you.  Today’s businesses and organizations need your competence, leadership, and courage.  Your impact and influence starts from where you currently sit. Your work team or your colleague that sits next to you is looking to you for insight and inspiration. Build bridges, share your competence, and listen to those courageous voices in your head.  

Joan of Arc, like many of us, had her share of cynics and skeptics who questioned her position. On one occasion, in a heated battle, she said to one of her generals, “I will lead the men over the wall.”  

The general replied, “Not a man will follow you.”

At that point, Joan of Arc replied, “I won’t be looking back to see whether they’re following me.”  Her credibility and trust with the other soldiers, whether man or woman, rose above any rank or title.  She led with a deep belief in purpose and a connectedness to the team that gave her courage, clarity, and conviction.

“Manager” and “director” are just titles.  Humans follow competence, authenticity, and compassion.  This is what makes you a leader.  Our world will be a better place when you lead it.  Start with a conversation, continue by deeply listening to your team, and never be afraid to go for that next opportunity.  You know…that next thing…you are the one.

What would you want to say to our young leaders/audience reading this?

Becoming a leader involves a major leap.  It is no longer you and your skills.  It is about showing up for others.  Your words, focus, and systems need to shift.  Your daily interactions, behaviors, and routines will grow in importance at every level.  You must overcome a need to be the smartest person in the room as you get better at listening and appreciate the genius of your team.  As Marshall Goldsmith would say, “What got you here won’t get you there.”

Your behavior and routines will grow in importance along your leader journey.  Your first step is to build a base of trust and credibility.​ This requires a different type and level of competence.  It requires emotional intelligence consisting of self-awareness and the understanding of others.  Next, you need to foster psychologically safe working environments, clarity, and alignment to purpose so others may succeed.  Your success lies in your team’s accomplishments.  

Being a leader can feel lonely, tiring, and sometimes even overwhelming.  You do not need to take this leader’s journey alone.  Find a mentor, coach, or accountability partner that appreciates you personally, but is willing to challenge you directly.  Create space for feedback and self-reflection. Leaders ask questions, gain more clarity, seek examples, and look at challenges through the lens of others.  They never stop learning.