Rawan Aldobai

Rawan Aldobai holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Finance from California State University – Fullerton, and is a certified coach with over 5 years of experience in personal and professional coaching.

She tells us that, “I am a corporate professional turned entrepreneur, strategist, and coach. After spending over seven years building what I initially thought was the perfect career in the corporate world, I realized that my job responsibilities and industry were not aligned with my personal goals and career aspirations.”

Tell us about your life before the venture/ leading up to your venture?

Before launching my own venture, I navigated a journey of self-discovery and career realignment. I had a successful corporate career, but I felt a growing misalignment between my professional path and my personal aspirations. This realization prompted me to step away from the corporate world and embark on a journey to redefine success on my own terms.

Tell us something about your organization. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?

Rawan & Co. Consulting is more than just a consultancy; it’s a passionate mission to empower ambitious professional women. My core mission revolves around providing strategic guidance and personalized coaching to address the unique challenges and aspirations that women face in their careers. Whether it’s achieving promotions, negotiating higher salaries, overcoming career stagnation, or developing effective leadership skills while maintaining work-life balance, I specialize in equipping women with the right strategies and confidence needed to succeed in today’s competitive professional environment.

What has been the response of the consumers towards your venture?

The response to my work has been overwhelmingly positive and impactful. My clients consistently report transformative experiences, with a 100% success rate across all programs. This success is reflected not only in client satisfaction but also in media recognition and invitations to share insights on podcasts and platforms. My achievements are a testament to the effectiveness of my approach in empowering women to achieve their career goals and personal fulfillment.

How has your life changed because of your venture?

My venture has profoundly transformed my life. It has shifted my perspective from viewing my work as simply a career or business to seeing it as a deeply fulfilling mission. Having experienced the challenges of being a high achiever in a restrictive environment, I am now able to connect with and impact women everywhere, helping them break through barriers and realize their full potential. This journey has not only enriched me professionally but also brought immense personal satisfaction in knowing that I am making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

What are you working on right now?

Currently, I am focused on expanding the reach and impact of Rawan & Co. Consulting. I am developing new programs and resources to further support professional women in achieving their career aspirations and personal growth. Additionally, I am actively working on collaborations to share my expertise through speaking engagements and partnerships aimed at empowering more women.

Give a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.

To all ambitious women,

In your pursuit of success, remember that purpose is your guiding star. Dare to challenge the norms. Embrace your unique power and achieve success from a place of femininity, without sacrificing happiness, balance, or relationships.

Don’t settle — define success on your terms with confidence and audacity. You have the strength to achieve greatness without compromise.

Get in touch:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/rawan-aldobai Website: rawanaldobai.com Email: consulting@rawanaldobai.com