Paul Armstrong

Paul Armstrong is the Founder of TBD Group, a visionary company that challenges the hype around emerging technologies by focusing on their real-world impact. Through initiatives like the TBD Conference and Vox-Futura, Paul fosters inclusive, thoughtful dialogue on innovation and progress, ensuring that diverse voices are heard. His leadership is rooted in curiosity, adaptability, and a commitment to responsible innovation. By prioritizing community, transparency, and meaningful connections, Paul’s work guides change in a way that benefits both business and society.

If your business could have a mascot, what would it be and why?

Great question! The mascot would be a red panda because it represents curiosity, independence, and adaptability—traits that align perfectly with our business ethos. In a way, the red panda’s balance in its environment could represent how we strive to balance innovation with responsibility…although that’s maybe stretching it!

What strategies do you employ to maintain a healthy work-life balance while running your own business?

I prioritise sensible boundaries, clear communication, and personal time. I implement emerging technologies in ways that optimise productivity without sacrificing well-being. Automation tools are also greatly used to do the heavy lifting and help reduce unnecessary tasks. I also make time for non-work-related activities that keep me grounded, from going to the movies, travelling when speaking or going to a gallery.

When faced with unexpected detours on your business path, how do you pivot with grace and resilience, showing fellow women entrepreneurs the way forward?

Not sure I always do! Pivoting requires a clear focus on long-term goals and an openness to adapt. When the market shifted, we launched Vox-Futura to meet evolving needs while staying true to our core values. I’ve learned that resilience is rooted in understanding your strengths, leveraging your network, and trusting good people who offer guidance.

How do you measure the success of your business beyond financial metrics, such as customer satisfaction or community engagement?

Success is often about impact. TBD Conference’s growth during the pandemic was driven by community and word of mouth. The feedback from participants—especially about how much they value transparent, high-quality content—means more than numbers. I also measure success by the inclusivity and diversity of the voices we elevate, ensuring we foster genuine engagement and lasting connections.

Can you share a memorable moment where you witnessed significant growth or transformation in your business, illustrating the impact of your services/products?

The pandemic era of TBD Conference was a watershed moment. We reached thousands of people globally who were searching for reliable, transparent insights during a time of uncertainty. The community grew rapidly, and it was evident that we were fulfilling a deep need for connection and clarity. That period of growth crystallised the importance of what we do: provide a platform that thrives on meaningful, thoughtful dialogue and really pushed me to launch TBD+, the global intelligence collective (

What role do you believe mentorship plays in the success of small businesses, and how have mentors influenced your own entrepreneurial journey?

Mentorship is pivotal in the success of small businesses. Mentors help you see beyond your blind spots and offer perspective. Claire Selby and Carolyn Dealey – both mentors and friends I deeply respect, played a key role in shaping how I approach business challenges. During my time in LA, I was fortunate to have several mentors who helped me navigate the early stages of my entrepreneurial journey, providing invaluable insights and emotional support who had a big hand in making me who I am today.

What’s your work all about, and how does it make a difference in the world?

TBD Group and TBD Conference challenge the hype-driven narratives of tech by focusing on emerging technologies’ real-world impacts, both good and bad. We’re not just talking about change—we’re helping guide it sensibly, ensuring everyone has a seat at the table. Whether through our platform Vox-Futura, at our global events, or in the TBD+ network we’re always fostering a community that prioritises fairness, innovation, and progress.

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