Helping Women Find Their True, Authentic Business Voice by Reconnecting to the Guidance of Their Soul and the Universe

Agne Veckyte

Agne Veckyte is a business intuitive helping women changemakers, healers and coaches to connect with their business mission via reconnecting with their business soul and having clarity in their decisions, strategy and action, so they can bring in their soul-aligned clients and create a successful business with joy and ease.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your corporate journey/venture/initiative. 

My journey into entrepreneurship began about 15 years ago in the midst of the depression which began in my first “real” job as a corporate employee. I picked up a book called “Happier than God” by Neal Donald Walsh and realised that I had lost my connection to the Universe and if I wanted to get better I needed to get it back and also find purpose in my work. As a young teen I became interested in spirituality, my parents were very open to different new-age spirituality and personal development books. I was encouraged and supported to explore that. Also, my mom is a very intuitive woman so I saw her using her intuition in various real-life scenarios. I read my first spiritual book at 12. It helped me make a connection to my own version of God or the Creator. I also really enjoyed studying business in university, especially human behavior in business. So while still depressed I realised I need to get back to what always sustained me – my connection to the universe and to myself. I decided to take my first practical workshop. It was a SoulCollage workshop. That is where I met my soul for the first time and I knew that I will never be alone again. I also got a very clear inspiration to pursue the SoulCollage facilitator training and start bringing it to people in Lithuania. This was the first step on my entrepreneurial journey and in discovering my intuitive gifts 10 years ago.

Tell us something about your initiative/business. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?

As a business intuitive, I bring together my knowledge as a business coach and my gifts and years of experience as an intuitive healer to help women who are here to change the world through their own gifts as coaches and healers. My purpose is to help them find their true, authentic business voice by reconnecting to the guidance of their soul and the universe. What that means for the women working with me is clarity in their business direction and decisions, being able to identify their soul-aligned (or most joyful and amazing) clients, releasing fears of creating a bigger impact in the world and bringing in the money they truly deserve to receive for their gifts. I do this through individual intuitive coaching sessions at the moment but I am creating a group course that I am launching in the fall.

While the global pandemic of COVID-19 is associated primarily with adversities, it has also brought about a true boom in startups, with successful entrepreneurship in many countries. The pandemic has impacted all of us in one way or another. Would you like to share your experience on a personal and professional level?

Yes the pandemic changed all of us and I had the privilege to help some of my clients through loss and fear of the unknown. For me personally as an entrepreneur I was able to move all my work online, which gave me freedom to experience one of my bucket list items – living on a tropical island near the ocean. In 2021 I spent almost 4 months on the beautiful island of Madeira (Portugal) with minimal covid restrictions. I am incredibly grateful for that opportunity and the lovely experiences I had and the people I met.

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?

I have been an entrepreneur for 10 years and an intuitive healer for more than 7. And I am blessed to have some clients that come back to me for 3, 4 or 5 years in moments when they need support. I get to see the transformations we create in my sessions take effect over time. I have seen my clients start businesses, and get through divorce with minimal pain. My favourite is when a client reconnects to her authentic voice and it starts showing up in how they show up on social media, and the opportunities they take for their business. I am proud to have managed to blend my passion for healing (I am a certified Theta Healing practitioner and instructor, certified Radical Living Coach, and SoulCollage facilitator) with my love for business Bachelor in Business Management from ISM University of Management and Economics and Master studies in International Business at University of Maastricht.

How has your life changed because of your initiative/venture?

Firstly the depression completely disappeared, I am happier and more myself than I have ever been in my life. I get to create my own business and I am helping other women changemakers. I have had an amazing ride for the last 10 years both in experiences and in spiritual awakenings and I am looking forward to many more years doing what I love and helping others.

Do you have anyone who is the biggest support system in your life? Please let us know.

My parents, it took a little convincing but once they got on board they became my biggest cheerleaders. My friends – I am grateful to have friends who accept me and support me as I am even when they don’t understand what I do. My peers/ colleagues who are on a similar path as me so we can share our joys and struggles when they come. And last but not least my teachers and coaches that helped me grow and challenged me over the years.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity? OR Share a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.

As an entrepreneur you have a unique voice, a unique combination of gifts and talents that want to be expressed from the depth of your soul. Learn from others but if you feel a small voice inside you calling you to take an unexpected direction – explore it. It might be exactly where your path lies.

Get in touch with her:

● Facebook: @agnevbusinessintuitive
● Instagram: @agne.veckyte
● LinkedIn: agneveckyte