Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: Redefining Leadership in a Changing World

Tiffany Prince

Tiffany Prince, founder of Prince Performance LLC, is an internationally renowned speaker with extensive experience in leading, developing, and empowering others. Serving a wide array of academia, corporate, and government clients, she develops and delivers customized coaching, training, and workshops that help organizations fill employees’ skill gaps, neutralize the negative effects of globalization, and build more inclusive workplaces. 

Tiffany obtained her Master’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Global Business Management, from Pepperdine University. She is certified as an ICF ACC Executive Leadership coach and has served in multiple board member roles for the Association of Talent Development (ATD), including as the President of the Metro DC Chapter, Membership Chair of Women in Bio-Pittsburgh, and a National Advisor for Chapters for ATD. She currently serves on the Business Intelligence Council of Chief Learning Officer, Membership Chair of Women in Bio-Pittsburgh, and the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Voices of Work Panel. Tiffany is the author of the book, “Top of the Mountain Leadership: The Future of Performance and Productivity in a Technology Changing World.”

Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life.

I love adventure and I am a thrill seeker. I am a certified scuba diver and have dove in many places around the world. I also have done skydiving as it was something I always wanted to try. I guess that says something about me, I am not afraid to try new things that are out of my comfort zone. I have lived and worked on four different continents and love learning about different ways of thinking and cultures.

Could you elaborate on the nature of your initiative/ business/current role, highlighting its purpose and the ways it benefits people?

As the Chief Performance Officer of Prince Performance LLC, I see the old ways we recognized and trained leaders are broken. We need more diversity in so many levels of organizations but for many, the rungs of the ladder are broken. I am passionate to help a more diverse group of leaders overcome the broken rung and have a true voice in the world so they can make a difference. It is some part coaching, another part skill building, and lastly just having the courage to step into your purpose in life. I help leaders through this process so they are confident and impactful leaders within their organization.

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture?

There is so much need to transform our traditional models of leadership development and the response has been very encouraging. My latest program, CLIMB the Mountain, which is for emerging leaders, small women-owned businesses, and women in technology as I saw a need to help shift the systemic mindset in organizations that hold women and diverse leaders back. Through monthly group conversations, I facilitate new ways of thinking about questioning the systemic limitations in a curious and impactful way so we can raise the bar for all who aspire to leadership roles within their organizations. I am also recognized as a top Organizational Development service provider by Manage HR. https://organizational-development.managehrmagazine.com/vendors/top-organizational-development-services-companies.html

Having a strong support system is essential for your well-being. We would love to know who your biggest supporter is. Share with us and let’s celebrate the amazing people in our lives who make a positive impact.

I am lucky to have friends and family who are advocates of my work and well-being. My sister is top-of-mind as we have always been there for each other through good and bad times. Our bond is very strong and I know if I have a bad day, she is my go-to to turn my bad emotions around. I also am blessed to have a new advocate, Parul Nisha, who I met about a year ago. She is so kind to promote my work and has also brought me in to help her team with some skills around being an effective hybrid work team. Without prompting, she points others in my direction if they are struggling with leadership or team issues.

As a young woman entrepreneur, what changes do you hope to see in the world and what opportunities are you seeking?

I feel as women leaders, the bar has not moved since I started in my career. In fact, it feels as if any movement is stagnant. I hope I can influence and coach enough women leaders to start to move the mindset towards inclusion so they can have an impact worldwide within organizations. We need to shake up the old paradigms and step into a new, more equitable world of work.

Women now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the workplace, breaking through glass ceilings to reach the top. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

We still have a long way to go. Unfortunately, at least in the US, there has been much pressure to stop organizations focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. If you look at the McKinsey report on Women in the Workplace which is conducted every year, the numbers at the Director/Vice President level are not budging. This is the broken rung as they say in the report from last year. We still have some work to do before women get equal recognition and voices at these levels.

Get in touch with her.



LinkedIn profile: linkedin.com/in/tiffprince
