Lisa L. Baker

Lisa L. Baker is a Founder.

If your business could have a mascot, what would it be and why?

If Ascentim could have a mascot, it would be a phoenix. 

The phoenix symbolizes transformation, resilience, and renewal—qualities that align perfectly with our mission to help our clients live more meaningful and abundant lives. 

The phoenix rises from the ashes, representing not just overcoming challenges but thriving and ascending to new heights, which is at the core of what I strive to achieve with my clients.

What strategies do you employ to maintain a healthy work-life balance while running your own business?

I view work-life balance a bit differently than most. It’s all about life as a whole to me. The real question isn’t just about balancing work and personal time, but how do you want to live your life, and what impact do you want to make? 

Work is just one component of the rich tapestry of life. 

With that perspective, maintaining a healthy life balance is essential, especially when running your own business. I intentionally align my daily actions with my values and purpose, ensuring that every aspect of my life contributes to the legacy I want to leave. That means setting clear boundaries and harmoniously integrating my work, passions, and personal commitments.

I make it a point to regularly reflect on my values and purpose to ensure my work aligns with what truly matters. By staying connected to my purpose, my life maintains balance and fulfillment. This holistic approach allows me to make conscious choices that lead to a life of impact and meaning.

When faced with unexpected detours on your business path, how do you pivot with grace and resilience, showing fellow women entrepreneurs the way forward?

Unexpected detours are inevitable in any business journey, but they are also opportunities for growth and innovation. When I encounter these challenges, I focus on staying grounded in my purpose and values, which serve as my compass in uncertain times. Instead of resisting change, I embrace it as a chance to explore new possibilities and refine my approach.

Pivoting with grace means remaining flexible and open-minded, while resilience comes from trusting in my ability to navigate whatever comes my way. I lean on my experiences. Also, I seek new insights and perspectives from mentors and peers. Staying true to who I am and what I stand for helps me adapt to change without losing sight of my goals.

For fellow women entrepreneurs, I encourage embracing the detours as part of the journey. It’s not about avoiding challenges but rising to meet them. By modeling resilience and a positive mindset, I hope to inspire others to see the potential in every twist and turn, knowing that each step brings them closer to their vision.

How do you measure the success of your business beyond financial metrics, such as customer satisfaction or community engagement?

Measuring success for Ascentim goes beyond financial metrics. While financial health matters, we place great value on the impact we have on our clients and the community.

One key indicator of success is our consistent 5-star ratings. We pride ourselves on going above and beyond to ensure our clients meet or exceed their goals. The positive outcomes they achieve are a testament to our dedication and effectiveness.

Community engagement is also crucial. We believe in sharing the light and giving back. Ascentim is committed to donating 20% of our profits to support marginalized and underserved communities, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact beyond our immediate business activities.

External validation is another important measure of success. We’ve been honored with several prestigious awards, including Inc. Magazine’s Best in Business award in coaching and career development for two consecutive years, Globee Women Owned StartUp of the Year, and  Stellar Business. These accolades recognize our achievements and affirm our dedication to excellence in executive coaching.

Together, these measures—client satisfaction, community involvement, and external recognition—reflect the holistic success of our business and our commitment to making a meaningful difference.

Can you share a memorable moment where you witnessed significant growth or transformation in your business, illustrating the impact of your services/products?

A particularly memorable moment of growth for Ascentim came from forming strategic partnerships with key organizations in the coaching and business development sectors. These collaborations have been crucial in expanding our reach and enhancing the value we deliver to our clients.

One partnership helped us increase our client volume and connect with a global coaching community, opening up invaluable networking opportunities and providing resources that significantly fueled our growth. Working with a business advisory group provided access to innovative business strategies and insights that helped refine our business plan. 

These experiences underscore an important lesson for women entrepreneurs: collaboration is essential. By working with others, we can leverage collective strengths, gain new perspectives, and drive meaningful growth. Ascentim’s transformation is a testament to the power of partnerships and the importance of building supportive networks to achieve success.

What role do you believe mentorship plays in the success of small businesses, and how have mentors influenced your own entrepreneurial journey?

Mentorship is a cornerstone of success for small businesses, offering invaluable guidance, support, and insight that helps entrepreneurs navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Mentors provide a wealth of experience and fresh perspectives, which are crucial for making informed decisions and accelerating growth.

In my own entrepreneurial journey, mentors have been instrumental in shaping my approach to business and leadership. They have provided practical advice, encouragement during tough times, and wisdom from their own experiences, which has helped me refine my strategies and broaden my vision for Ascentim.

It’s essential to recognize that mentorship should be mutually beneficial. As a mentee, it’s crucial to offer support and share your own insights as well. This reciprocal relationship enriches the mentorship experience and builds a stronger, more collaborative connection.

Additionally, sponsorship plays a significant role in entrepreneurial success. Cultivating meaningful relationships with individuals who can recommend you and open up opportunities is vital. These sponsors can provide access to valuable networks and resources that further propel your business.

Together, mentorship and sponsorship create a supportive community that bridges gaps in knowledge and experience, fosters personal and professional development, and drives collective achievement.

What’s your work all about, and how does it make a difference in the world?

At the heart of my work is a deep commitment to helping leaders connect with their true selves, values, and purpose. I guide my clients through a transformative journey to discover their area of greatness—where their strengths, passions, and purpose converge.

The vehicle for this journey is my signature G.R.O.W. Coaching process, which stands for Gain Insight, Realize New Possibilities, Overcome Obstacles, and Win at Life. Through G.R.O.W., clients gain clarity about what truly matters to them, unlocking a world of new possibilities. I support them in overcoming obstacles and staying focused, empowering them to achieve their personal and professional goals and ultimately thrive in life.

This approach aligns actions with core values and purpose, marking the beginning of a genuine transformation. The impact of my work is evident in how clients grow, lead, and contribute to their communities. Whether it’s through enhanced leadership, improved work-life integration, or a renewed sense of purpose, my coaching helps leaders reach their fullest potential and make a lasting, positive difference. The ripple effect of their growth extends beyond individual achievements, benefiting the broader world.

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