Magdaline Makris

Magdaline Makris tells us that, “My journey into coaching is deeply personal and inspired by my two non-immigrant parents. Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the challenges they faced due to language barriers, despite their incredible skills and work ethic.

Although I studied law, I found myself naturally gravitating towards helping non-natives, inspired by my parents’ experiences. My father owned a restaurant in a Spanish-dominated area, and I often found myself assisting the community members who, despite their talents, struggled with language and cultural barriers. I saw how these barriers prevented my parents and many others from seizing great opportunities, simply because of communication challenges.

This realization fueled my passion to start a coaching program aimed at empowering non-natives. I firmly believe that language should never be a barrier to success. Through my coaching, I strive to help individuals overcome these obstacles and move forward in their careers, recognizing that not speaking the dominant language does not equate to incompetence.

My mission is to support as many non-natives as possible, providing them with the tools, confidence, and strategies they need to thrive in their professional lives. I’m excited to be part of this journey with you all and look forward to making a meaningful impact together.”

What were your early years like? Could you share a bit about your life before you began your coaching journey?

Before I began my coaching journey, I worked as an ESL teacher. This role provided me with the opportunity to help non-native speakers improve their English skills. However, my responsibilities quickly expanded beyond the classroom. Many adults approached me for assistance with resumes, presentations, translations, and interviews. I found myself coaching them on how to navigate the business environment, and it was through this experience that I began to consider making coaching my career.

One memorable experience was coaching a native chef who needed help with her business. This further solidified my passion for helping individuals succeed in their professional endeavors. I realized that my true calling was to support people in overcoming language and cultural barriers to achieve their career goals.

My passion for helping others stems from my father, who taught me the fundamental principles of business: persistence, perseverance, and patience. He provided me with invaluable business knowledge that can’t be found in any classroom or textbook, and for that, I am incredibly grateful.

These experiences have shaped my coaching philosophy and commitment to empowering non-natives and anyone in need of guidance. I aim to bridge communication gaps and provide the tools and confidence necessary for individuals to thrive in their careers.

Was there any turning point in your life that changed your journey? If so, what was it? Please tell us the backstory behind it.

A significant turning point in my life that changed my journey occurred with my best friend. She had decided to move to Australia and needed a resume, coaching on how to conduct herself during interviews, and assistance with the paperwork required for her move. I helped her throughout the entire process, from crafting her resume to preparing her for interviews, and ensuring she had all the necessary documentation to make her move to Australia smooth sailing.

Once she arrived in Australia, she pursued her dream of becoming a teacher and attended college there. During her studies, she needed assistance with some of her lesson writings, and once again, I was there to help. Our collaboration continued, and eventually, she landed a job as a teacher. She expressed her gratitude to me, saying, “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

At this moment I realized this was my true calling—to support and empower others in achieving their dreams, just as I had done for my best friend. The satisfaction of knowing I played a huge and important role in her success was immensely fulfilling and made me recognize that this was what I was meant to do.

This experience inspired me to ensue my coaching journey, helping individuals overcome obstacles and reach their full potential, regardless of the challenges they face. It’s a passion rooted in the valuable lessons I learned from my father about persistence, perseverance, and patience.

Since that turning point, I have dedicated myself to coaching, striving to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those I work with. Seeing the success and growth of the individuals I assist continues to drive and inspire me every day.

Everyone faces unique challenges when starting an entrepreneurial journey. The most valuable lessons often come from understanding how these challenges are managed. Could you share the difficulties you’ve encountered and the strategies you’ve used to cope with them?

As I started my journey as a coach it goes without saying that I faced challenges. The most difficult challenge I had to overcome was establishing credibility in a competitive market required providing testimonials and building a strong online presence. Defining my niche involved reflecting on my unique experiences and conducting market research. Balancing multiple roles like creator, content writer, marketer etc. demanded effective time management. I encountered  self-doubt a few times but managed through continuous learning, seeking feedback, and maintaining a journal of successes. I had to learn various cultural differences and tailor my approach accordingly. These experiences have shaped my journey and strengthened my ability to make a meaningful impact.

What impact do you feel you have been able to create with your work so far and how would you want to grow in the next few years?

Reflecting on my journey as a Business English and Communications Coach, I’m proud of the significant impact I’ve made in empowering professionals to communicate more effectively and confidently in the business world. My coaching has enhanced clients’ business vocabulary and communication strategies, increased their confidence in meetings and presentations, and supported their career advancements globally. Looking ahead, I aim to expand my reach, leverage innovative learning solutions, and establish collaborative partnerships to offer more comprehensive training programs. Additionally, I plan to focus on holistic professional development, incorporating leadership training and cultural competence, while building a supportive community of learners and professionals. My goal is to continue making a meaningful difference in the professional lives of my clients, helping them achieve their career aspirations and thrive in a global business environment.

Would you like to share with our aspiring young women entrepreneurs the changes you would like to see in the world if given the opportunity?

Through my coaching journey, I’ve empowered a few individuals to overcome language barriers and achieve their career goals, helping non-natives build confidence and understand professional environments successfully. My efforts have provided career advancements, successful job transitions, and have improved business performances for my clients. In the next few years, I aim to expand my reach by developing online courses, hosting workshops, and possibly ( still in the works) building a community platform to support even more individuals globally.

Women are increasingly becoming a powerful presence in workplaces worldwide, breaking through glass ceilings and reaching top leadership positions. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

Women are becoming a more powerful presence and are making some big waves in the business world. We have come a long way and I’m so proud of that. Women are reaching top leadership positions in politics and in the business world. This shift has been a pivotal point for women we are being heard and listened to.

We are excelling in different fields, and our leadership has proven greater social responsibility in companies. However, challenges like gender bias, pay inequality, and work-life balance still need addressing.

Creating supportive environments with mentorship, flexible policies, and clear career advancement paths is crucial. Although we have progressed, we still need to continue supporting women’s leadership to ensure a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Your grit and determination are making a significant impact, serving as an inspiration for many aspiring entrepreneurs. What message would you like to share with our young women leaders and audience reading this?

Looking back  on my journey as a Business English and Communications Coach, I’m proud of the significant impact I’ve made in empowering professionals to communicate more effectively and confidently in the business world. My coaching has actually impacted not only my clients’ business but also their life.  They have improved their vocabulary and communication strategies, increased their confidence in meetings and presentations, and they are able to speak confidently in the workplace and outside the workplace. Looking ahead, I aim to expand my reach, leverage innovative learning solutions, and establish collaborative partnerships to offer more comprehensive training programs. Additionally, I plan to focus on professional development, incorporating leadership training and cultural competence, I don’t know how yet, but I would also love to build a supportive community of learners and professionals. My goal is to continue making a meaningful difference not only in the professional lives of my clients but also in their daily lives. When you improve in the business world you also improve in your daily lives. I just love helping them achieve their career aspirations and thrive in a global business environment.