Patty Shea

Patty Shea tells us that, “I am an intuitive advisor and coach, interpersonal solutions facilitator and trainer, business culture specialist, business relationship savant, cross-functional and multidisciplinary conciliator, “fixer of the tough stuff”, workshop presenter, author and inspirational speaker. My positive outlook on life and abundant supply of energy and enthusiasm comes from a belief in what my mother repeatedly told me, “You make your ow5n happiness and your own sadness.” I have a master’s in business administration degree and am taking doctoral courses in leadership. I am a private pilot, enjoy vintage cars, creating jewelry and traveling abroad and within the United States.”

Before you became the business titan you are today, enlighten us about the thrilling adventures of your pre-business life.

I was the little girl who liked being uniquely me. I had no desire to be part of the “in” crowd, though it was a little lonely standing out on my own. I grew up in a Catholic family who believed in the Golden Rule, being respectful of all especially our elders, emphasizing your word and your handshake are your bond, and I also learned the importance of karma. I stood out in other ways, too, as I was more full-figured than my female classmates and had naturally wavy hair in contrast to their straight and many times blond hair and was the tallest girl during my elementary school days. I had an intuitive ability to help my fellow classmates who were either very shy and reserved or those who were boisterous and caused disruption in class. Because of this natural gift, teachers moved me around to sit by those who needed something I could offer. I wanted them to be their best selves and to have them value themselves as much as I valued them. I was happy-go-lucky as a child and still look at every day as a gift to be savored and lived to the fullest!

Could you elaborate on the nature of your initiative/ business/current role, highlighting its purpose and the ways it benefits people?

Helping individuals uncover their limiting beliefs and turn them around so they manifest all they are dreaming of, is what wakes me every day with energy, enthusiasm and passion. What if your own beliefs are holding you back? My realization of my limiting beliefs came near the end of a 39-year career with one company. I had let one misguided thought limit me from accomplishing the only goal I had not achieved in my career. I now focus on helping others (mostly women, ages 25-65) uncover their limiting beliefs by using a three-step methodology to consciously create their dreams. Clients have benefited both in their professional and personal lives. Their journeys and their “turnarounds” have also inspired me!

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture? (You can also talk about your recognitions/ achievements here)

It continues to be amazing and humbling to see responses from clients who, by using my three-step methodology, have had an epiphany which became the catalyst for them turning around a limiting belief. Sometimes it was an unconscious limiting belief they had not associated with affecting their life. These brave women have given me permission to share their stories in the revised edition of my first book (Your Beliefs Are the Reasons Why).

What has been the response of the users/consumers towards your venture? (You can also talk about your recognitions/ achievements here), continued:

Dreams, which are in process. To experience their “light bulb going off” and them recognizing they can accomplish anything, keeps me energized to help as many women as possible on their journey to whatever they define as success. 

Having a strong support system is essential for your well-being. We would love to know who your biggest supporter is. Share with us and let’s celebrate the amazing people in our lives who make a positive impact.

I am single, with no children. I did get married late in life, but my husband passed away 3 years ago after 5 years together.  I am blessed with numerous supporters and uplifters. Significant support comes from my two older sisters and older brother. My very dear girlfriends provide me encouragement and also a mirror to make sure I do not let my ego lead! 😊 

As a woman entrepreneur, what changes do you hope to see in the world and what opportunities are you seeking?

My goal is to positively impact the lives of those who I may never meet, by being the spark women need to overcome any obstacle in their professional or personal life and see they are beautifully perfect and valued just the way they are. I want all women to achieve whatever they are dreaming of for their own life and the lives of those who are important to them.

Women now stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men in the workplace, breaking through glass ceilings to reach the top. What are your thoughts on women’s leadership today?

I believe our work is not done. Though we stand shoulder-to-shoulder, sometimes we are still not noticed or truly heard. I strongly believe women need to support other women, even if those women surpass us in the arenas in which we are striving to advance. 

Empowering women is best achieved through mutual support. Your work is truly inspiring. Would you like to nominate another female leader for this interview? If so, please provide details. We would love to hear more!

I would like to nominate another female leader for this interview, and I would like to get her permission first.

Get in touch.

LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram handles are all pattysheaconsultingllc I am just beginning to develop my social media