Julio Verissimo

Julio Verissimo is a dynamic President & CEO who believes in the power of vision and strength to navigate the challenges of business leadership. With a focus on helping clients overcome obstacles through cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, Julio is committed to continuous development that positively impacts both businesses and the planet. His leadership style emphasizes transparency, mentorship, and building strong, long-term customer relationships. Driven by his personal motto, “Impossibility is just a state of mind,” Julio inspires others to push boundaries and achieve the seemingly impossible.

If your business could have a mascot, what would it be and why?

this is hard question has would be represented by 2 Lion and Eagle honesty, truth, vision, they both have and Eagle has the vision and Lion the strength both similar

What strategies do you employ to maintain a healthy work-life balance while running your own business?

Have programmed activities weekly to balance the mental and wellbeing , brainstorming conversations , conversations about different subjects and sometimes games but involving ways on helping a person self develop , also open air activities

When faced with unexpected detours on your business path, how do you pivot with grace and resilience, showing fellow women entrepreneurs the way forward?

Just keep focus on your goal, do not lose track of the path you have marked detours. What if it’s just making you waste time, problems always will appear but you can minimize it by putting it on table, what is the scope of work or idea?, what does it involve? how many skills involve? this last for big high scale projects, mark a programme to control it means / timelines , who is who ?meaning who are the keyholders ? definition of responsibilities marked with these marked before start you limit any detour over 90% everything else its matter of overcome and improvise when necessary using always common sense, and this are main tools to use in any sector, idea or solution, you delimit the financial numbers, timelines global, assessment, compliance, and deployment, full vision.

How do you measure the success of your business beyond financial metrics, such as customer satisfaction or community engagement?

Constant communication, while deploying its critical to have main key holders from both sides to maintain fluent communication , just because we doing everything correct does mena it is, the other side is the one that it says if it’s  correct or not, and fluent communication to “clean the hedges” has i usually say to have the achieved goal and total customer satisfaction, and this is where many organisations fail, and also post sales it’s not about “marketing purposes” but having a straight face to face front forward meetings even after to say “how did we do?”with this and maintaining this level all the time you will be known for quality of service and customer satisfaction, i the end it’s about to give solutions not problems, and customer should be relieved to have it to work, and this creates long term relations and future projects, but also to market customers talk with customers and everyone will know.

Can you share a memorable moment where you witnessed significant growth or transformation in your business, illustrating the impact of your services/products?

This is very extended question, but resuming it all starts with building relations and how ideas, solutions and projects are meant to help countries , employment and country GDP, all all our project are studied in such way and also reducing CO2 same time, all our projects made a significant positive impact in the planet trying this way preserving future generations, and also we made significant improvements on the Cybersecurity area, in this area we also invented new processes of encryption and information preservation that are unique in the world.

What role do you believe mentorship plays in the success of small businesses, and how have mentors influenced your own entrepreneurial journey?

Mentoring its fundamental to learn and knowledge its most useful tool for everything and from that its building steps to your success and creating the vision to arrive there, you never know when you arrive and just need to continue your vision and keep going and keep learning and have more knowledge about everything its a non stop journey just keep in mind “nothing is impossible” you will encounter problems everyday and you solve them always using common sense and then you arrive to a point where you know when something will happen and you put solution before problem arrives and it becomes a point that it’s all transparent no matter what, yes it takes from you but this is the path and how the path works, you have to be willing also to take from you to arrive the goal / path or point of reach.

What’s your work all about, and how does it make a difference in the world?

We just focus on what we do , our main main goal it’s helping customers solving their issues /problems and giving them latest knowledge and technology accordingly and with this you will “fill many lines” just keep continuing development and innovation and that’s how we are know for we never stop always move forward, just keep these things in mind ” focus on your work , be honest, be transparent, and be yourself, and create your own identity everything and remember, success is not a destination but a journey. Keep pushing forward and never give up. You have the power to make the impossible possible

We must have the courage to tackle any challenge that comes our way, with the confidence that we will find a solution. We must have the determination to never give up, even when the road ahead seems long and difficult. And we must have the belief that everything is achievable with hard work and perseverance.

I encourage you to never lose sight of your goals and to never give up on your dreams. No matter what obstacles you may face, keep pushing forward. Remember, every problem has a solution and every obstacle can be overcome.

So, let us strive to be the best version of ourselves, let us never stop working towards our goals, and let us never give up on our dreams. Together, we can achieve anything and everything.. My own motto ” “Impossibility is just a state of mind. When we believe in ourselves and never give up, we can conquer any challenge and achieve the impossible. Join my adventure”

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