Ruby Raja

Ruby Raja is the Founder of Inshiraa.

She tells us that, “I’m an Author / Writer and Trainer in  Domestic Violence and Trauma. I worked as a Probation Officer in the UK where I worked with men, women and young people who had committed offenses in the UK.   I’ve written a book: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse – Journeys from Abuse to Freedom which is due out soon. I aim to break the intergenerational cycles of abuse by making information accessible on my website and other platforms. I’d like to work in partnership with others to help the abused stand tall again and the abuser to recognise what is happening.”

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your Entrepreneur journey/venture/initiative.

I grew up very comfortably as I was the youngest child and was loved and spoiled by my elder siblings. 

I challenge being raised in comfort now as it places you at a disadvantage in dealing with the reality of life. Too much comfort and having your needs met all the time are not useful. You view the world almost from an ivory tower, missing the fact that so many people are living in poverty, or are experiencing harm in many ways, from being in abusive relationships to having a brutal employer or living in a country whose regime is disturbing.

Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business /initiative? What motivated you within to say YES, go for it!”

I’d worked in domestic violence for a long time but I worked with women who did not want anyone to know anything so we worked secretly. When I began working in the criminal justice system I realised that some of the people I was working with had experienced abuse before they were born but I didn’t know where to take this observation. I had also worked with 6/7/8 year olds who were using violence toward their parents and in discussion with mothers found out they were with abusive men and could see the devastation the family experienced. I worked much of the time voluntarily.

On entering the criminal justice system, 2007/08, I began realising that domestic violence can begin before birth ie in utero which became the trigger to my work.

Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?

I’m currently focussing on Inshiraa to serve those who’ve been harmed by providing information they can make informed decisions with. I want people to think for themselves.

 My programmes are for those who’ve experienced domestic violence or trauma. The intention is to help them reset their life by learning what has happened NOT by telling them what to do. Professionals do jobs, they don’t necessarily understand what is happening to a client when it is as complex as domestic violence or trauma as the signs are often misunderstood. 

Questions have to be asked for clarity. I’m trying to recalibrate the abused into knowing how amazing they are.

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?

The biggest achievement was to begin, and as I step into making the work a reality for more people and begin sharing my thoughts. This will give others permission to explore what happened to them safely. 

My book, Healing from Narcissistic Abuse – Journeys from Abuse to Freedom, has come to be, organically. When I shared my knowledge of domestic violence, and how to manage the systems from criminal justice to social work and education, the participants of my thesis told me this gave them the power to set themselves free knowing they were not doing anything wrong or unjust. Until then, they did not want to offend their Lord, their clergy, their elders or anyone else.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?

Find yourselves before conquering whatever field you wish to conquer. Connect to your history and your legacy wherever you are from then, Go Define Yourself! (My programme.)

I’d like them to look at the magnificence of their own heritage and not be impacted by others’ ideology but to see how it can fit into their lives. There isn’t anything you can’t do when you’re truthful to yourself and your history. Recognise yourself.

Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. What are your thoughts about women leadership today?

Women have led countries – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh then England and others followed so I not only believe in women and leadership, I believe women need to step into their truths.

Choose your path but know you can change your mind too.

What would you want to say to our young leaders/audience reading this?

It’s not about wanting it bad enough, it’s about being self-aware and developing yourself to become ….. Who you want to become …. Because you can!